
So if the roles were indeed reversed, I’m sure you’d be here defending the white womans family and demanding the police investigate this obviously guilty black man right? Dr. Tropicana with your medical expertise? Doofus regulars commenters, so transparent in your hypocrisy and obviously uneducated bias. Have every

Whataboutism. The roots finest (dwindling rapidly) cast of doofus regular commenters strike again with the old tried and true standby. You are why nobody will ever take any of you people seriously. 

Why mention that the date was White? Are you implying that he killed her? Obviously you are when if you ACTUALLY look into this case the broad died within NO HELP from him.

Welcome to this long dead amateur blog site, where the race baiting is the only articles that generate any clicks.

Sometimes? Lol. There is nothing more stupid than “black Twitter”, this whiny shitty mostly dead blog site, the list goes on. You’re all so tiring and nobody takes you seriously for a very good reason.

Do you people ever get tired of crying about EVERYTHING? One second, there’s a blog post about the Asian community joining up with you and championing reparations, the next you’re all in here crying your black crocodile tears about one being nominated for an award NONE of you will be watching for anyways. It’s like

You can’t tell these people anything. They can’t live unless they’re bitching and complaining about something however ridiculous.

NOT GUILTY. That’s how he stays silky. While you sad sack internet whiny little bitches shed ALL the black tears and go nowhere fast. And you all wonder why nobody takes your dumb asses seriously and never will. 

Well nut up or shut the fuck up, John Wayne. Probably shut the fuck up is your avenue. You ain’t doing shit. Never have never will. Internet pussy.

Not guilty. If everyone who is found not guilty is further persecuted for “shit some internet commentor thinks they might do because reasons” there’d be a whole mess of your people locked under jails. Fucking idiot.

Facts? Or just your wildly stupid (par for the course here at the root comment section) hot take? I’m going hot take on this one. 

Armalite rifle. What do I win, Pat? Any other games you want to play, genius? Stay in your lane, yelling on the internet comment sections about Karen’s at Starbucks and black oppression. Take every seat.

No it doesn’t, genius. It stands for Armalite Rifle, and this is why idiots like you should have zero say in anything legislation related, ever.

Not for nothing but you hilariously have always had, and continue to have the most comical, stereotypical and downright worst takes and comments of anyone who lays virtual pen to paper on this dying and bankrupt blog site. Whoever allows you the freedom of thought and lets you peruse the web on any device capable of

For a blogger, (you), and a site that makes paltry living off of jumping to opinions before ANY facts are all the way out, this is a rich and not uncommonly stupid and hilarious article. You hacks can’t make up your minds on what’s right and wrong EVER, and here you are spewing bullshit about what you’ve learned not