
I am glad this drug kingkpin is in jail and can do no further harm to our society.
Some misinformed minds in NZ ban semi-automatic weapons, but are thinking of legalizing this awful substance, haven’t banned alcohol, and continue to allow religion and other close-minded cults that claw their way into politics.

How do you cite wars as terrorism?
And japan , oh yeah that was a total act of terrorism, to make them stop forcing their citizens to commit suicide in a losing war.

I don’t even have broadcast over the air tv channels. Streaming everything the last few years. I want to pay for the service to watch whenever I want, but ehhh the value’s not there for me. I only care to watch a few Qualies and the races themselves. 

No frieza found. I’m gonna need to call in the Anime Crimes Division.

Reboot shows what a PS1 era Horizon Zero Dawn would have look like. A little more round than the prototype shown above.

I thought that was H1Z1?? Is that a different  game?

My worry about autonomy is not lost jobs. It is how society fails to accept autonomy and understand that we just don’t need as many people working. Less work, fewer reasons to not be able to enjoy life? Certainly we could take turns working part time shifts, or explore new career opportunities more readily? Or just

That’s cool, and all, but if a bus driver sees you running for the bus, they might wait for you. An autonomous bus will not. Ever. They have no feelings, and do not care that you were on time and they were early. 

Isle of Dogs is both best boy and best picture.

High fives. I dislike the potato against a spinning fan approach 4th Survivor is. Having 4, (there is a hidden story) more of these is not so much fun.

Next you’re going to say something silly like Beast Machines doesn’t either.
Beast Wars saved the franchise.

Free game without a user manual is horrible.

How does a mediocre hack n slash win Game of the Year?

Is this why Compete was closed? Because the bloggers are shit?

When I worked for a rental car company some years back I would occasionally have to take one of these to wherever it was needed. Was always the funnest thing to drive once we lost our FJ40s. Putting the rear window down and blasting music was a damn good highlight of the day. Or parking it in somewhere impossible to

Cardhunter (by bluemanchu) is a tabletop dungeons and dragons rpg where your deck of cards is made from your character’s equipment. Each equipment provides different attack/block/spell/armor cards based on rarity/potency like most rpgs.

Seems like that money should be going elsewhere.

Stop complaining about Capitalism, you neocommie-liberal.

It was used as a crucial plot device in that Woody Harrelson magician film, Now You See Me.

Also Password Managers are just as easy to crack. 

They should hire Keifer Sutherland too, then.