
It’s a 4/10.

Until they start hacking password managers, right.

The Touring trim, is basically the Grand Touring (Two Trims below Signature) but without the nicer features and the turbo motor. Which is what I have, and it suits me very well for a comfortable daily driving machine to haul 3 adults and their innumerable things.

The difference is $20 or more in fuel costs or using a terrirtory than it is open and right there. Work smarter not harder. 

In my head, I was hoping you would also mention how the price was also back to basics, but nope. Totally inflated.

There seems to be a lot less racism in this blog post than usual. No name calling, no bashing of food culture, or fashion. Very interesting. Is The Root finally growing up, or is it because you still need another ”minority” to back up your baseless claims ?

But notice how it is only white. It is like Tha Root can only ever bash and be racist and biased against white people. They seem to have some need to only focus on one group.

2018 6 Touring here. In RED. I had to buy it through a dealer hours away. None of the local ones would help. Fuck em. It doesn’t get awful mileage like the Turbo, but also doesn’t have power memory seats, which is about the only convenience a car that has 3 drivers of varying heights needs.

Midnight Club LA is the worst. Every racing game you listed is fun in some way, MCLA is not in any way.

Jokes that are racially biased are not at all racist remarks used to convey how angry you are that your favorite charcoal singers and tarred rappers declined a paycheck to show some sort of political correctness solidarity.

“Rian Johnson directed one of the best Star Wars movies ever in 2017, grossing over a billion dollars”

So did Phantom Menace, but at least the story and characters in it were consistent. Episode 8 is the worst Star Wars Film yet in my opinion. It’s all the shit George did wrong, with all the shit Hollywood does wrong

I thought this was Kotaku, not The Root.

I have a solution for you and all the other residents.

Are you sure that’s not an Assault-Style Assault-Rifle?

You just scared the fuck out of me like going to WebMD does. I have no idea what GERD is and I had mine taken out 11 years ago. y u do dis

I was thinking Legolas when his hair color faded, and a few pints of grog to the wind.

Is there a mod to pair her with the monkey?

When is he getting banned from tournament play?

I recognize most of these cars as appearing in Gran Turismo. Surely you didn’t think they were made up just for that, right?

They’re going to run a closed beta for 1 week before official launch.