That's when you use the whole "shared body heat" line. Duh.
That's when you use the whole "shared body heat" line. Duh.
Nah. You probably would have just stayed in your seat.
The hell you say! Pitch Black was (survival) horror.
They're like, heroes...from a storm (Blizzard?).
Pure speculation: maybe that includes medical procedures performed to fix some sort of self-ham or suicide attempt.
Your punctuation could use work. Please work on this.
Yep. And even if it was true, how much slimmer do we need a handheld to be?
Can't wait to pencil my own outrage in the margins!
Robot and Frank please.
That's shiver-inducing inappropriateness right there.
Here's how I handled a similar experience.
Hmm. You seem kind of awesome.
It's remarkable how little it can sometimes take to provide the rationale for making that positive decision. Here's hoping someone offers you that little bit every day until you feel you can offer it to yourself.
When I go, I bring my own soy sauce (generally, any bottle of La Choy soy sauce or the Kikkoman that is specifically labeled GF). I know I'm taking a risk of cross contamination though since they probably use the same knife and prep area as any of the fried stuff. :/ I usually don't react.
Got it. Please excuse the misinterpretation. I've heard/read so much "if only X had a gun, then Y wouldn't have happened" nonsense that I guess I've come to expect the more guns—>lower crime argument. Thank you for clarifying.
More studies wouldn't be such a bad thing, but this one seemed fairly thorough and quite convincing. The portion of the article (start three paragraphs above the "Location Location Location" maps on the first page) that speaks most to this is the part where it says the researchers made comparisons of violent crimes…
No problem. I was just trying to be funny is all.
Funny you should mention...