My guess is Mark Jones, writer/director of The Leprechaun.
My guess is Mark Jones, writer/director of The Leprechaun.
Sadly, even with Dax in a swimsuit, this was one of the worst of the series.
Don't fuck this up for the rest of us by making unreasonable demands!
Everyone knows that's where the Tribbles belong.
I think the answer is that the Vulcan we saw in ST2009 wasn't Spock Prime at all! It was (Mirror Spock) Prime or Mirror (Spock Prime)...or Spock's just a dick.
I met my spouse there. True story.
I think the author is confusing two issues.
No mention of the Buckaroo Banzai sequel that never happened?
"But you know you can't do that because, well, first because there's a lot of Secret Service between you and him, but also because that's the nature of the process."
Like I said...
Interesting. That certainly would have showed that he learned from the whole spelling Beatrix vs. Jen thing. Sometimes the best solution is not the most extreme.
Self-sacrifice for a greater good is a trope that isn't really isolated to time travel stories. Think of Spock's death in Wrath of Khan. Or, Christ, what about Jesus?
Figuring those six out could tie up some loose ends on singular mysteries that have gotten some mainstream attention. But, think of how much we could learn by studying the contents of the library at Alexandria.
Re: Starship Troopers
Get Michael Keaton to play Bruce Wayne and I'll pay double to see this.
I can only agree to a point. In terms of minority portrayal, there are significantly more iconic human female characters in (American TV) sci-fi than there are black humans of any gender. As an exercise, let's try to name some lead (or important) female characters in sci-fi shows....Scully, Sam Carter, Janeway,…
Yeah. The Fifth Element (note: a movie) was pretty decent in this respect. The President of Earth was even played by Tiny Lister...although maybe that fits into some sort of new "black president at the time of Earth's peril" cliche that has popped up (a la Deep Impact, 2012, Idiocracy, etc.).