
The L1/L2/L3 thing might still be confusing to most peasants who don’t know a thing about electricity or kW. Most homes don’t have an extra 30/50A outlet in the garage, except the one actually hooked to their drier.

I think part of the issue is that early adopters tend to educate themselves better, now that EVs are reaching the masses, people aren’t doing as much research for themselves, and of course a lot of dealers aren’t helping.

Yeah, this sucks. I feel they should have just made the driver screen midway in between the two sizewise and just eliminated the big one.

Another issue I see in (mostly) women is that a lot of drivers sit entirely too far up against the steering wheel and dash board.


With the 300ZX, we gotta mention Dale Ishimoto, the actor who played Mr. K in the 90's Nissan ads:

Maybe, and I’m just spitballing here, the people who choose to live in the car-free neighborhood are the people who choose to not own a car at all.

This, I live in a “quiet” downtown, I’m 1 block from Main Street. I go to council and planning meetings, I know how much some residents want a “car-free” downtown. When I say we’re a ‘quiet’ downtown, I’d say we’re somewhat a ‘failed’ downtown, where there aren’t many visitor-friendly businesses. We haven’t attracted

Thank you for the tip. I’ll bookmark the link. 👍

As an elected Republican in the southeast you’re not wrong.  I’m also not a republican really even though there’s an R next to my name.  Let that sink’s so backwards that I run as an R (i’m independent/libertarian tendencies) just so I can get elected.  I’ll agree that even my local county where I grew up has

So they can’t park a car within a quarter mile, but they can own a car, park it slightly further in someone else’s neighborhood, and walk or scoot in? THAT is why people don’t want these neighbors around.

I mean, Tesla interior is more similar to my Hyundai’s interior than my Jaguar’s interior.

Tesla does not make luxury cars.

Yup. Its like... oh shit.... Florida is getting all of the attention for passing the most asshole laws. We gotta outdo em!

It’s not the cop who’s litigating the ticket; he’s a witness. It’s the DA who shouldn’t get paid. Maybe they’d be less likely to prosecute in nuisance cases like this.

Making the cop lose pay is not fair. The state may lose the case for reasons out of the cop’s control. I do think that the defendant should receive some compensation for his time, though. Possibly paid out of the police pension fund.

I’m glad he did it pro bono, because $7500 to go into court and say “you can’t break a law that doesn’t exist” seems a bit steep.

Nea, they have to impress the red states, too.

I think I’ve written enough posts to put a meme here. The cheapest car to own is the one you already own. At the moment, EVs are just toys for early adopters.