
Um, the train is not at fault here. Anyone (or anything) standing on train tracks should expect to get hit.

It almost makes you wonder who is this working on and why the scammers are even bothering.

In regards to big pickup trucks and SUVs.

I find the worst drivers in the world drive like this

Satisfied the list included a Corolla driver. In my mind, all the others that didn’t mention a car were also Corolla drivers.

So 3 model years old outdated now? Sheeet

Now playing

Trucks in the EU are quite a bit smaller, limited in speed, and limited in what lane they can operate. You can fit a ton of those trucks in a roadside rest stop due to the shorter overall length.

It’s a shit deal. No officer wants to take a life, and this kid has his future taken away.

Sounds like they had a bad day (and Hertz shouldn’t send out partially charged EVs any more than they should sent out cars with half filled gas tanks), but these folks don’t seem terribly bright.

Exactly this. What was the material difference if she disclosed or did not disclose this status if she would have otherwise still been eligible? Would they have made someone wave their hands in front of the hole to block the ball, or made her take a swing blindfolded?? If the difficulty was the same, and her

It’s time we make cops write checks from their personal accounts.

When I worked for a minor league baseball team, we had similar insurance. If, for example, a player hit for the cycle, someone present in the stands would win some amount of money. The instances of players hitting for the cycle being so low made the insurance fairly cheap so we could offer a decent amount of prize

It shouldn’t, especially since it was a while ago, but the tournament is using this to wiggle out of paying.

I saw the same episode.

Last time one of these articles were posted, it was brought up that traditionally the sponsor (usually a car dealer) would take out some kind of insurance policy (which the presumably do for other sorts of promotions they aren’t expecting to win, which explains better how local mom & pop dealerships can be doing

I think this is the case Steve Lehto had a video on a couple weeks ago.  It sounds like the rules only stipulated that the entrants are amateurs and didn’t say anything about formerly being a pro.  I bet they’re going to be clear in the rules for that going forward.

I’ve almost always preferred this way of parking. Now that I typically drive a truck, it’s actually about my only option in a crowded parking lot.

My pet peeve is bicyclists using the crosswalk button.

People - particularly on this website - need to realize that CUVs and Cross-Overs are not SUVs. They’re cars. They’re hatchbacks that have been slightly lifted, usually come with sophisticated AWD systems, and typically have a bit more cargo room. They aren’t bad vehicles. They aren’t the compromised, gas-guzzling,

That may often be the case, but I have a few crosswalks near me that won’t illuminate the walk sign at all unless you hit the button (and then hold the light longer). And a couple lights that are on sensors that won’t change if there’s no car present, and the button overrides that to change the light and give you a