
As someone who is at 5 years with no family contact (because my family are the most miserable people I’ve ever met), I say good for him. You can’t choose your family, but you can choose who you allow in your life. If those choices mean he’s happy, then more power to him.

Better yet, his girlfriend is Xenu.

Are you surprised he has the ball to do it?

Thank God this change happened. I’m more than elated Trump got elected, by white, brown, and black men and women. Hopefully we can return to a civil society where rule of law and self sufficiency are the order of the day.

Things were looking up for him.

I took it seriously.

And on the seventh day, he created his hottest take of all.

I want to go as Drew on chopped but I can’t find a store that sells a shirt even remotely as bad as that one

Did you just all lives matter me

He’s a good teen

Vigilante teen is a strong black principled teen, and we’ve all seen this movie before.

Vigilante teen is a good teen.


Many people are saying those electoral number are rigged, folks. Many people. Sad!

HOST: Our next call is from Curt in Rhode Island. What have you got for us today, Curt?

Gov. Pence quickly added, “And could I get your number for Mr. Trump? He’s gonna want it in a couple of years. And those of your troopmates. But NO FATTIES.”

Notre Dame is worse. Some of their players think fake followers are real.

Nice to know Al Pacino is still able to find work.