Nine Bill Muellers

You guys, I’m starting to worry that all these sexual misconduct stories are going to have a chilling effect. Already, I find myself hesitant to show my dick to any woman who hasn’t clearly and explicitly told me she wants to see it - especially if she’s young! And I worry about the women who desperately want to see

I did not say anything different. All I said was they’re all assholes.

I don’t know where “here” is so I can’t do any research to verify, but I’m very skeptical of this claim.

That would be a strange definition of “assault.” Example?

I can’t tell if you’re serious, but no it doesn’t.


Glancing at the headline and image, I was kinda hoping the story would just be about some rando wearing red socks

Huh. And here I thought the lesson was “playing video games is not a fucking spectator sport.”

You also know that they’ve chosen to live in a private neighborhood, gate out people they view as unsavory and craft 13-page agreements telling each other what to do with their own houses. You know enough.

Did you read what I just wrote? Do you live on Earth, amongst humans? Why would you think a story involving rich people who want to live behind gates and worry about how green each others’ lawns are, and who break each others’ ribs for mysterious reasons no one will talk about, isn’t chock full of assholes on every

I refuse to pick a side between Rand Paul and the assholes who run his gated community.

As a lawyer who represents doctors in civil disputes and who has also done a fair bit of criminal defense, two things:

That’s a fair point.

If we’re being objective, no it does not “top everything else.” It is possible to understand both that a 32 year old man trying to fuck a vulnerable 14 year old girl is wrong, gross and criminal, and also that the reported behavior (which includes stopping when asked to) is nowhere near as horrifying as what’s been

I’m glad you took the necessary time to research the facts and really let your take solidify.

This savvy refusal to alienate white supremacists will pay dividends when Eric Trump is looking for a running mate in 2040.

Never engage with the pedants, because now here you are doubling down on your wrong use of “typo” and compounding it by mentioning “grammar.” This was neither a typographical nor a grammatical error. It was either a spelling error or a semantic error (or some combination of both.)

Planes by definition leap over millions of fixed barriers, so who’s the annoying semantics pedant now huh?

They thought they could just wok right out the door

Do yourself a favor and watch this a few times with your eyes trained on grey track suit / pink waistband guy.