Nine Bill Muellers

The whole thing started when a confused fellow passenger mistook his sagging style for a gaping hole in his pants and yelled out "yo Dog, patch that shit!"

Actually the whole thing was a setup; the airline already had his money and just wanted to Fill more seats.

The least Einhorn-friendly scenario involves a dead Unicorn.

Wilpon: This hapless baseball franchise is the worst investment I've ever made.

Dammit, next time you get me all worked up about a Sheridan-Vecsey fight, it had better be Nicollette and Carol.

Turns out there are two Dick Vitales.

This happened at a Twins-Angels game - they were just being considerate hosts. Same reason they always cancel day games against Seattle if the sky is red, and they change kiss cam to "handjob cam" when the Yankees are in town.

Her problem was she studied design at Portland State. If she'd gone to St. John's she would have known to charge a lot more for designing logos.

*discards Pavement joke

"See - we told you it was our most American city!"

February 20, 1963, Leeds, Alabama - A Turrible Booty Is Born

The Cup matters.

baloney, cheese, mayo.

‘Neil, holy smokes what the hell is going on here?'

Shut up, Coleridge

"It may have come off wrong but that wasn't my intent."

Snoop Dogg's Legacy: Naught to Knight

Stay soft, Dirk.

Hold on to your monocles

Armstrong never left his stool.