My BFFL's fella proposed on a boat and the ring fell in the water too! Except he planned it that way, and used a decoy ring, because he is excellent at pranks and also is smarter than this guy. (Sorry dude)
Of course this one is going to be posted as one of those "you will never believe what happened next" click bait videos. Would have been more fun to watch if the guy had been dragged into the water by a large catfish or hit in the face by a flying asian carp. He could have also have dropped a new iPhone 6 into the…
Plot twist: he did insure it, and then he and his friends staged this video with a cheap replica to scam the insurance company.
"Oh my god. Oh my god," he repeated, looking up at his intended— a vast horror building behind his tear-filled eyes— wondering how it could have all changed so suddenly; how it would never be like it was; whether he could ever love her again. "Oh my god," he said once more, softer, before slipping away beneath the…
And put a little worm on that ring to . Might as well catch some dinner with it .
True & Co. offers fairly average sized bras at the moment. Nothing beyond the range that Nordstrom can provide. This has been the case for months.
Thanks. I agree about sacred ground. The closest I've ever come to stealing out of someone's garden was to cut a few wildflower blooms so I could leave them as a tribute for a dead friend. And I made sure it looked the same. And I still felt bad but I couldn't buy a bouquet. And it was off my own front yard, it's…
Okay, using this space for related tangent now.
Hey. Let's not virgin shame. It's misandry.
He impregnantes a Kleenex at least 3 times a day
It's bumming me out that there are are people who don't realize, even with the inclusion of the God Warrior gif and the obvious nonsensicalness of "penis dildos", that you're not serious. It shouldn't have to be this hard to avoid Poedom.
I saw this woman in the mall once! I was shocked and very scared. she looked miserable.
That's the little dog from the video, isn't it? I hope he has his dog with him, and I hope he high tails it the hell out of there.
Appearing on a tortilla in Mexico.
Ahhh the God Warrior - she never gets old.
Penis Dildo and The Lace Fronts
Yes, it represents the destruction of the Temple and the brokenness in the world it represents including the brokenness/imperfection in ourselves. Also that even on an extraordinarily happy day, there is a reminder of the sad times that happen too.