
Ooooh neat costumes and ghosts! Gimme!!

Their loss!

Really surprised she wasn’t the new Daily Show host, but I think maybe they asked her and she wanted to go elsewhere. Not sure what the story is there, but it’s nice that she’s making her own way in the world with her own show.

Yeah, I was not a fan either.

Ughhhh Trevor, no... man, I want to like him so much, but..... the show hasn’t been great, despite a few steady improvements and whoever wrote this shouldn’t be writing tweets for the show.

My god that laugh. Take me away, Liza, you glorious queen you!

Dunst was the only part of those movies I didn’t like, but I don’t think it was her fault. They just wrote her character to be too sweet and shy. MJ is a lot more bold, but I guess they were afraid she’d look kind of intimidating next to Toby (which would have been totally in character!).

You made me laugh the saddest laughter ever.

Update, looks like I was right:

That’s just what he said on the radio. I don’t have a source.

I can not imagine what kind of ignorance it must take to know what just happened and decide to vote for Trump.

Unless your great grandparents were born here you don’t count as an American. Scratch that - unless your WHITE great grandparents were born here, you don’t count as an American.

I can’t even listen to him anymore. He’s just the mouthpiece for thousands of idiots.

I was listening to the US’ only gay imam on NPR yesterday, and he says that more than 50% of all American Mulsims believe gay marriage should be legal.

This guy:


Well yes, but I think it spreads like a disease from person to person. People grow up hating gay people because it’s what they’re taught to do, and the hatred gets in so deep it’s like an infection.

Homophobia is a sick disease. You don’t need to be religious to have it, you just have to have some really bad self esteem issues and possibly some repressed gay feelings yourself. Five bucks says this guy was terrified he might be gay.

I didn’t need any more reasons to avoid Kanye West shows, but thanks anyway.

I didn't know that!! :(

Oh god, all of my tears. Chyna was such an inspiration to me when I was a teenager. She was so soft hearted. I can’t imagine going through what she did.