
Never been a Stern fan, but I am here for anyone willing to call Joe Rogan the idiot that he is.

I used to think Meghan would grow up and become a great voice for the children of politicians, but she just grew stupider and stupider the older she got. Girl, shut the fuck up. 

I love me some animals, but if we’re selling rainbow-themed stuff for Pride, that money is going to an LGBTQIA organization. The Matthew Shepard Foundation is my personal choice.

It’s such common sense. Give kids the knowledge and resources to be responsible and they will be. Feed them a diet of ignorance and they won’t.

Absolutely awful.

Sorry, I went ahead and nominated Carrie Fisher.

She has been cheated on repeatedly by a child molester. I really hope she can find it in her to leave him. Her kids do not deserve the trauma of having to be around him.

Woah!! I didn’t even know about that one! Such a bitch.

The metal community has railed against Sharon for YEARS. This woman cut Iron Maiden’s power while they were playing because they “said things” she didn’t like, but she complains about cancel culture?? She’s just a control freak asshole. She always has been. Her father was a monster and she clearly learned from him.

I don’t think a full-on meat diet is particularly good for anyone, and as a Latina, of course I love beans!! I consider them a very healthy starch. like, if I’m planning on a lot of exercise, they’re really great for lunch. #TeamBeans

On the one hand, it’s fair to not want a photo you don’t like shared. Maybe a kind message would have gone further than legal action?

On the other hand, man, it’s fucking sad that I see this photo and think “she looks great!” but she’s so afraid of people seeing her unedited that she thought she had to take legal

Low carb diets originally just meant cutting sugar and processed food from your diet and replacing starchy stuff with vegetables. It can be very healthy but you gotta eat vegetables!!

The carnivore diet always seemed like low-carb at the most extreme. I’m one of those people who needs meat to be healthy (was recommended by my doctors because of low iron), BUT, it’s not MY ENTIRE DIET! I’m fully aware that we need other things to live healthily, like fiber and vitamins that come from  vegetables. I

I’m so much more interested in traveling internationally than Disney World.

Happy for her!

Disney people can truly represent the worst our society has to offer.

The more I read about this adorable dumb dumb, the more I like him. I think “white boy summer” is a hilariously stupid idea, but it wasn’t done with ill intent.

He just sounds so mean. Like really? You wouldn’t leave your kid in her care, just because she’s fat?? I fucking hate people like this. They can’t see beyond people’s weight.

I wish this level of joy happened at some point in the movie. 

THANK CHRIST I have never had to deal with this. My husband made it clear he wanted to go halfsies on household chores. We’ve been together since we graduated college, and we both work. If I had to do all of the cleaning I’d have gone insane by now!