
Calm down, whitey.

His intestines are weak.

I like!! Wish I had read these as a kid.. my library was so ghetto it had a terrible selection but the most "coming of age" books I got my hands on were Star Wars novels.

Two words:
White People.


Thank you!! Shameless plug:

This I shall do willingly.

I threw my friend a baby shower. It was the "friends" baby shower so it was more for friends than family. Dudes came. No pink. No insane games. I got her superhero themed cupcakes and we watched cartoons.

I am so okay with everything going on here.

Yeah, I'm a traditional metal singer. :3 My hero is Dio!

I'd probably choose Time's Arrow because it's the latest and it includes Queen of Hell. Queen of Hell is an EP so it only has four songs, HOWEVER, it's the only place you can find Hello Nurse and our cover of Trashed, soooo.... both of those. >_> And thank you so much!


You're absolutely right, but I figured that everyone would automatically assume it was toward Kanye's shit-tacular song and music video. Jesus Christ I had no idea that pop music was this bad.

This bear has been getting a lot of use from me, lately.

As a Latino who grew up on hot sauce (I'm pretty sure I drank it from a bottle), all these comments regarding fire shits amuse me. In regards to a "cleanse", I make taco salads pretty frequently when I work on losing weight. All you really do is forgo the tortilla and put all those delicious meats and guacamole and

I have nothing to add besides how much this amuses me.

I would watch this so hard and I don't even like reality TV. George Takei is our chosen nerd overlord.

Anytime! Just to let you know, we have a KickStarter going on right now, so if you like our music at all, I hope you'll consider grabbing some of the rewards! Thanks!

That was me!! And no, there was no head table, just a couples table. Hope you find a reward your wife wouldn't mind getting! :D