I just don't want to annoy people!! x_x
I just don't want to annoy people!! x_x
Sorry, I didn't see it.
Thanks so much!!
I am pro moshing in the designated moshing area.
Not sure why my answer didn't show up, but:
Not sure why my answer didn't show up, but yes I've read it, and no I haven't tried t o invoke anything. I'm a little too paranoid.
Not sure why my answer didn't show up, but the things I do to prepare are using my voice as little as possible, drinking tea, and drinking room temperature water. Singing this way does cause some strain so I try to rest it often.
Yeah, I edited my comment. I just think it's kind of shitty to showcase her in a major publication when there are so many women actually IN metal and not just dating people in metal or doing their tattoos.
You're right about that.
That's cool, but I can't find anything on her being in a metal band. So why is she one of the hottest chicks in metal if she doesn't play metal?
Hahahaha! I know, it confuses me too. And normal people, probably.
She dates musicians. TOTALLY METAL. e_e
I don't know what rubs me the wrong way about this chick. Maybe because she's named as one of the "HOTTEST CHICKS IN METAL" even though she isn't even a metal musician... :/
Woo thank you!!
I had a voice teacher for a few lessons in high school, but I can't remember his name. He taught me some arias to use to audition for operas. After that I was on my own.
I deal with it by taking it in good humor. Some men are dumb about how they respond to ladies. I'm not insulted, just amused. I've never been harassed in a dangerous or scary way.
Please do!! And come say hello! :)
D'oh, thank you! My band actually has a KickStarter going on right now, if you'd like to pitch in for one of the rewards so I can keep making metal!
Thank you! Check out our KickStarter, it's very story driven and there;s DEMONS INVOLVED!
I have a whole process that I go through before and after shows that involves tea, lukewarm water, and talking as little as humanely possible!