
Incorrect. I'm 5' tall.

That's so nice to hear!! Glad I can be entertaining/outraged! XD

Thanks! They were made by a friend of mine. He also made the skull broach you can almost see on my left. He makes all my jewelry.

D'aww! Thank you! /somuchblushing

Us Latinos don't seem to need any help making babies...

I intend on changing that 4 language thing. I can speak 2 and understand 4, but I gotta work on my vocabulary.

It said women can't stand him. It didn't say all the women.

That headline is accurate. I live in MD and was all "CONGRATS VIRGINIA!" once I heard the news.

I need this dress in my life. Her figure is a lot like mine and I've never seen a peplum that actually flattered it.

God I love seeing children cry. ...huh.

Some of it was animated in Japan. The first episodes were animated by Americans and Koreans.

Because Arcee was pink and somewhat lame, and nobody knows about the other fembots who mostly remained on Cybertron. Elita-One was pretty bad ass, though.

Um, the Transformers weren't originally animated in Japan. In fact, the original animation team was a mixture of American and Korean artists, but the show was produced/made by Sunbow Entertainment. The writers were mostly American.

So they're stupid. Makes sense.

No, I take a lot of expensive drugs to make sure I never have to.

I have no idea, I've never watched the show.

Yeah, I really don't know much about the Duggars at all.. they sound kinda creepy, now.

Oh god.. that's sad.

I'm clearly very ignorant about this family.. lol