That makes sense. What do these people have against pants??
That makes sense. What do these people have against pants??
Gotcha. Okay, that's weird.
The women of the family have to yell NIKE! when they see a woman with her stomach out or something in public so the boys can look away.
"Does she teach her little boys to sit modestly rather than play like the wild animals that children are?"
She doesn't? How do we know that? I've never seen the show, but I'm not getting that from what she's saying. Do the boys misbehave and the girls don't or something?
I guess, but she never mentions the boys. Maybe she's just talking about the girls, right now. I could find a lot worse about this family than the fact that she has them all wear weirdo outfits.
She doesn't mention the boys. Who says she lets the boys do headstands? I wouldn't let my girls do headstands either (if I had any) unless they were in some kind of yoga class.
I agree. I'm still not seeing a big deal.
I'm trying to find the issue, here. So what if they dress modest? It's not like she's saying other girls dress like sluts. I feel like we're putting words in this lady's mouth. Teaching kids to sit like little ladies doesn't sound all that horrific. It sounds like she's teaching her children how to behave.
I'm 5' tall. I could live in one of these quite comfortably.
She's from DC. Hello, fellow DC-ian! I guess it's cool you're ok with doing porn. Um.. that's pretty much it.
She was so great in season 1! I'd love to see her again!
I agree with you, there.
I used to work at a green house and during the fall, we used to have to scare off squirrels from eating the pumpkins. Nothing is more hilarious than an old man chasing away squirrels.
This is a complicated subject. To me, it feels like if an immigrant came to the US and represented America and people getting pissed because she's "not American enough". That being said, what this was was Disney wanting someone whiter to star in a movie so it would appeal to white audiences. So that sucks. But I can't…
I have HUGE hips and my thighs touch, but there's a tiny gap above them. Like... a window to my vagina. It's magical.
I'd totally have a thigh gap if my thighs were actually muscular. Thigh gaps happen when you have wide hips. Someone who doesn't have wide hips would have a harder time making it happen if she's not thin.
I'm with you all the way. My husband always downplays his birthday but that's when he gets the best presents!
I never watched the Kardashian show but it did seem like he and Kloe got married super quick. Do he and Kloe have anything in common? I don't know anything about them except that I loved Kim's clothing before she dated Kanye West.
That is fucking stupid. I'm not Muslim but I don't bitch about Ramadan. I'm not Jewish and I don't bitch about Hannukah. It's not hard to not be a prick. I don't need everyone to celebrate every holiday I do, I just need them not to whine about it.