
Dumbass. DUMB ASS. How do you not know black face is wrong? DUMB. ASS.

I call my husband "dude" sometimes and makes fun of me. I kind of deserve it. I still talk like a Saved By The Bell character, and I'm a Latino from DC.


EXACTLY. I love cheese but how much cheese can someone eat without adding it to other (high carb) things? Not that much, really.

Low fat food is the biggest scam in the world. Less fat = MORE SUGAR in products that might actually be good for us. And people wonder why we have so much diabetes.. oh I'll just eat this low-fat yogurt FULL OF SUGAR. Ugh.

You mean that chemically peeling off your skin is bad for you? I'M SHOCKED.

I really do love these two. I never get tired of them.

You're not an asshole. I lost 60lbs and ate as much cheese as I wanted. :/

Just a sidenote.. I lost weight while eating as much cheese as I want (which surprisingly isn't all that much, when you don't try to limit yourself..) so I don't subscribe to the cheese = weight gain idea. It's already been proven that eating fat doesn't automatically make you gain fat so I wish people wouldn't keep


That's awesome. I don't think long distance running is damaging if she takes breaks when she needs to. I played soccer since the 1st grade (my dad was my coach..) and he made me do laps constantly. No idea why I was still a fat kid, but I didn't have any development problems.

No, I've never been bothered either. I'm only 5' tall and I have a big butt and huge thighs and I fucking LIFT SOME WEIGHTS. Nobody bugs me.

Right, I'm with you. USUALLY the couple has already discussed marriage and the proposal just kinda seals the deal.

Oof... that would be a mixed bag of emotions. Thank you for proposing, but gaddamn it, this was about my career, not my personal life.

Ahahaha! This is not the case with my husband and I! He's always trying to get me to slow down because I walk with purpose. Of course he's got a club foot so he has an excuse..

Truly this woman can do no wrong.

Totally understood.

I'm married and I wear a padded bra. It's not for a prospective mate.

Ugh.. pecs. I admit it. I love them. I had a boyfriend who was uber tall and skinny and had no chest. When I met my husband who had some chest muscle I was like WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE. I didn't even know I liked chests all that much.