I know that feel! My mom is from Spain, but her family is Catalan. Never call them Spanish. EVER.
I know that feel! My mom is from Spain, but her family is Catalan. Never call them Spanish. EVER.
Latino/a and Hispanic are not the same. Hispanic refers to people of Spanish/Native origin. Latinos are just from Central/South American/islands, and they can be of any race. So your boyfriend/friends are Latino but maybe not Hispanic (or maybe they are?).
I'm also not Salvadorian enough! I'm 1/2 Salvadorian, born in the US, and my mom is from Spain. Honestly, I'm fine with not being accepted as Salvadorian. My dad left that country for a reason.
Actually, I believe Latino refers to people from the region but not necessarily someone who is part Native/Spanish. For example, there are black/white Latinos that aren't mixed.
This is exactly why I DO identify as Hispanic, because I am literally 1/2 Spanish and 1/2 Central American.
Right, Hispanic refers mostly to Mestizos. Latinos can be of any race.
Whaaaaaaaaaat. Latinas can be of ANY RACE. Latino/a is not a RACE. I hate child pageants but GADDAMN IT.
I was never able to skateboard. Boy did I try.. but man, I had no coordination! Jelly of these girls!!
Good for you, ladies. Anyone ever read Lysistrata? I love that damn play.
Didn't Lindsay Lohan try to become a singer at one point? Ugh, I'm glad that didn't go anywhere... but poor Jenna Jameson. That lady is clearly suffering and is in need of some actual love and help.
Neither are metal.
Ahahahaha! +1
I remember visiting Spain as a kid and seeing a blonde gypsy for the first time. It wasn't the first gypsy I've ever seen (there are many in all of the major cities), but I'd never seen a blonde one so I was a little fascinated. She had three kids with her, all blonde, and they stuck by their mom as she pushed her way…
Yes, and she's one of how many women in rock/metal?
This is the greatest thing on TWTS I've ever seen, and that includes Elizabeth Berkley's "I'm So Excited" insanity.
Yes, you're probably right. I just can't personally say I know that much about mainstream music (I try not to subject myself to it..) but you're probably right and that just makes me hate it more.
Are we twins? I lost the exact same amount of weight and my thighs are still right out of an R. Crumb cartoon.
Well, yeah, I suppose, since eating too many sweets typically leads to weight gain.. but the rest of you would also grow. Science?
"Yo mom, do I got insurance?" AHAHAHAHA. Having gone to college without insurance, I can tell you that having your parents be angry with you because you went to the ER twice is the worst feeling in the world. Two thousand bucks for something preventative medicine could have kept from happening, but we didn't have…
Sort of a mix between traditional, power, and prog. :)