
Do you actually listen to metal? Because they're kind of everywhere.

HO-LEE-SHIT!! How... HOW can a human being even THINK this way?!

One of the biggest differences between men and women in my field (metal); when was the last time you saw an ugly and/or fat chick fronting a successful metal band? Yet I can't tell you how many ugly (and fat!) dudes are signed right off the bat because they have talent. It doesn't matter when women have talent; we

I had no idea how awesome they were as people until now. I wasn't a huge fan of theirs in the 90's, I was a kid and my parents didn't let me listen to "grown up" music.. so I had to wait until later and find out that damn, they were very anti-sexualizing themselves to get ahead, and THAT I can get behind!

Haha, thank you! And yes, that was me! Don't worry, you're not skeevy at all! (Trust me, that corset makes any boobs look good!! lol)

Before I lost weight, my boobs were my greatest asset. I'm sad it took losing weight to realize how much I should appreciate the rest of me, but now that they're small and not particularly captivating people pay way more attention to my face.

"behind him, a 50-piece orchestra played Lana Del Rey's..."

Aaaaaand I'm out.


That could easily be the title of her next album.

That could easily be the title of her next album.

Sounds like my kinda man.

Ugh. If her lyrics were funny on purpose (like a pop version of Spinal Tap?) I might enjoy them. This just feels really irritating.

I'm with you. You want an alpha female, you get Doro.

How very creative.

Booster Gold to the rescue!!

Okay, the thing about being a musician is, you can search for "hits" and try to be famous by picking the most hit-like marketable songs you can find and raise your chances of making it if that's what you wanna do. But the market is full of people doing the exact same thing, so, odds are, if you're picking music based

Just do what my parents did and don't let her own a radio. Give her an iPod with music you approve of. Surround her with good music.

Proof that people will continue to pay money for crap so long as it's popular crap.

All people should know how to cook. It's not a gender thing, it's an adult thing. I knew how to cook scrambled eggs at 11. Come on, people. Ain't that hard.

Now playing

Bar Rafaeli is officially the Millhouse of modeling.