
Okay, sure.

We eat pretty low carb, so I'll probably skip the rice.. but lentils have some fiber to them so I'll definitely make a bit of this over the weekend!

"Velvety". AHAHAHAHA

This is happening.

Aren't we all?

Oh hell yeah I own it!! But I'm only 5' tall so a size 8 looks bigger on me than, say, someone of normal height... lol

Squats, baby. And not those pussy-ass air squats. Get some weight on your shoulders.

EXACTLY. This is EXACTLY what I am talking about.

Incredible. Brava!

I'm a 90% no-makeup person. My husband hates it. I wish I hate the energy to wear it more often, but man, I'm just tired all the time and I want to be able to rub my eyes without getting mascara in my eyeballs.

Well to me, size 8 is perfectly normal. To most people a size 8 is normal. But to anyone who sees a fitness model like that lady as the ideal, a size 8 is fat and slovenly. No washboard abs? Cellulite? I'm a gaddamn cow!

No joke, my husband fucking LOVES lentils. I made lentil soup once and he ate himself sick on them.

This is such infantile bullshit. Miley Cyrus can show off her labia and this chick gets shit for pubes.

D'aw. I'm here if you want!

Eric Adams don't play.

I'm only 5' tall. This is cartoon me.

I've heard the "however you interpret this is YOUR problem" from women and it makes me sad. Come on. Not everyone is capable of washboard abs. I work out every day and eat a strict diet and I'm still a size 8. GUESS I'M JUST LAZY, LOLZ.

It would work with me if it were longer in the back. PARTY TIME, YO.

I like the "before" picture. I need something (besides the obvious) to grab.

I'm with you. I haven't let a lady get near my hair with scissors since 2011.