
Kids can be fucking dumb. I do not allow that kind of pickiness in my house. You want fries, you get what I give you. Now shut up and mend my socks.

I've been saying this for years. Madonna is a member of a growing community of undead ghouls.

From what I've seen of her interviews and unscripted dialogue, she seems to be pretty good at being funny 24/7.

Okay, but I'd ask first.

I love Afros so much
Don't worry, I won't touch

Totally with you. I wish she had a bigger role on that show. She clearly deserves it.

Honestly, I'm not sure I remember. Wasn't there a burger car? I saw it once. In elementary school. Possibly 20 years ago.

He wasn't even the funny part of that movie..

EDIT: Double Post

Uh, WHAT? Donna Meagle, anyone!?

With youuuu! I used to bleach my hair in high school and it got thinner and thinner until I said forget it, no more chemicals. I love me some natural hair products.

My mom always told me that kids bullied me because they felt bad about themselves. I still think this is true. There's something inside of kids that makes them want to torment other children and there's gotta be some way to fix that. I can see now that a lot of my bullies came from shitty families and they were

And this is exactly why I refuse to fuck with my hair. It's curly and frizzy and I do not give a shit. Natural long heavy metal hair FOREVER. Death to false hair!


Oh god...


Seriously sick of everyone wearing pink "for Breast Cancer" when it does absolutely nothing for people suffering from breast cancer. Last week someone mentioned "go topless for breast cancer day" and I swear I hated all men for the next 24 hours.

Probably because she's drinking juice and not water. A lot of juice is terrible for you.

Thanks for posting this. My sister in law was posting pictures of herself buying baby clothes for her second kid, and for a moment I thought, "Maybe...?" and then I read this and thought "LOLNOPE".

This is exactly what happened with my boy. Now, whenever we have to take him outside to go to the vet or something, he panics and sheds buckets of fur all over me.