
My cat ran away, once. He came back and never did it again.

This is "best dressed", huh? Okay, yeah, you can just kill me now.

"What are the practical applications?"

Washington Redtails makes the most sense, to me, but I'd be just as happy if they actually named the team after a nearby tribe. The Washington Powhattans, maybe?

Miley Cyrus has the most punchable face I've ever seen. I'm not saying I advocate domestic violence, I'm just saying, if I could punch one person, it would probably be her.

I'm telling you, it takes guts to wear spandex at a con. I wore some short-ass spandex shorts (and tights) for Baltimore Comic-Con and it was the most awesomely liberating experience I've ever had!

Oh Shakeys... how I miss thee.

I will easily admit that The Notebook (and anything else based on a Nicholas Sparks book) is a lousy film.

I don't know about that. Often if I use anything that's suited for people with peachy skin I'll wind up looking weird.. and since my skin tone is constantly changing, I can never find a good base to use and it always winds up looking like I'm wearing a mask. At this point, I don't even use foundation. Too much hassle

Seriously, that Cruella DeVille make-up looks GREAT on tan/bronze women. I was worried their line was more for white people, but that shit looks good on me.

Kind of ashamed to say I'd totally go in on this nonsense if this were local.. I'd love to meet him! He's a great actor and I hope good things come to him.

I can't imagine why anyone would say anything so stupid. Ugh.

Yes, because that's exactly what I want from a Comic-Con. Pop culture. Go die in a fire.

I'm probably guilty of being a "I want to have it all!" lady. College, job, husband, home owner, vocalist, artist, writer. I do everything and anything I can because I feel guilt when I am NOT working or doing something productive. I'd like to have kids someday too, but it's starting to look like I don't have room for

Now playing

Looks like there's an animation studio (with a much smaller budget) that is doing a WAY better job with the original story. I remember this always being the case with straight-to-video low-budget films. They always stick closer to the original story than Disney, but Disney's production is a billion times prettier.

Is this the movie The Disney Channel used to show in the early 90's??

I remember watching a very old animated version of The Snow Queen on the Disney Channel a looooong time ago (early 90's). I don't remember the story, but I do remember the female protagonist saving a boy. Also, weren't they kids? Frozen looks shitty and I hate Disney's manufactured "silly sidekicks". They annoy the

My husband and I are gluten sensitive, so we just don't eat bread or pasta or anything with wheat. It's not that difficult. We just eat meat, fish, and vegetables. You don't NEED wheat to survive, and and we don't need all these expensive gluten-free alternatives. A good salad, a good vegetable dish, a good meat

OH MY GOD, ME TOO. Though this also happened to some of my dearest friends. I don't like thinking of being fat as a punishment (because I grew up a fat kid), but it definitely feels like karma when I see my former bullies on Facebook complain about their weight.

I couldn't stop laughing at Hailey Joel's wig. This is pure win.