Over 90%, really? Where did you get that number?
Hi, I'm Native, and I think it's shitty. I'm also a fan of the team. I don't speak for all Natives, of course (I'm only 1/2), but this has been an ongoing debate for a long time. Being from the DC area, I've heard it at least since elementary school.
Well, now too.. but I don't think implants dissolve anymore, do they?? >_>
Well, I do get the gripe that people don't like seeing black people being maimed and tormented by white people, BUT, personally, I have seen way more white people being tortured in films because generally, white people are in horror films more often. So I'm used to it. I'm used to gore porn. But for normal TV, that…
I'm into gore porn, so this is light stuff for me.
I totally agree with you about the rape scene. Often, rape scenes make me panic. I always remember the remake of The Last House on the Left that made me absolutely hysterical. This scene didn't do that for me. It was scary, but it didn't showcase everything so I didn't run screaming. It was horror done tastefully.
I feel the same way whenever people mention never having known about Elizabeth Bathory. Heavy metal has had a strong hand in teaching us history.
It's scary to think about what happens when implants fail or dissolve or burst. Plastic surgery back then was terrifying.
I love the fact that they're not glossing over her or making her sympathetic in any way. She was horrific and that, to me, is a good villain. Not that villains who you can sympathize with aren't good, but I love this way more. She was FUCKED UP, man!!
I loved Madame LaLaurie so hard! She was horrible, despicable.. a perfect villain that you want to hate.
Then another elephant turned it's butt toward the camera and pooped. Magical.
I'll be tucking this information away for my 30th birthday...
I would pay money for Avril Lavigne to go away.
Williams also had severe issues and committed suicide. :/ Not saying Miley is the same, because I'm not exactly an advocate for "normal" behavior, but this kinda thing sets people off for a reason.
If this is really who you are then I pity you. You seem very boring.
Yup. I don't get why they didn't just make Depp the Lone Ranger. :/
I could see her as WW's mom, Queen of the Amazons. She's a bit too mature to be WW herself.
Lone Ranger failed for multiple reasons. Having unknown characters were pretty low on that giant list.