
I did not know this!

I never liked Wet Seal, but last weekend I found THE BEST JEANS EVER and they're actually in my size. Unfortunately, my size (11) is the highest they seem to go. :/

Very sweet and thoughtful! I don't think my husband would have needed my pinterest board, tho'.. all he needs is Facebook and unlimited funds for ThinkGeek purchases.

I want all of these in my purse right this instant.

If they want to spend 200 grand on a ring, who the hell cares. Maybe they can afford it. Maybe they're being dumb. Either way, more power to them for putting in the dough to get what they want.

Please. Gays don't eat carbs, and if they did, they wouldn't be from a box.

Ugh. That song is infuriating. She's adorable, though.


The toddler turban is kinda cute if she's doing it to protect the baby's head from the sun. I'd probably do ridiculous shit like that if I had spawn.

Their relationship made this show. It was such a weird tumultuous thing. Walt really was a complete sociopath and whatever love he had for Jesse was completely overshadowed by his unwillingness to give up control.

My niece claims to be depressed, but I see her post at least 10 selfies a day and she idolizes Lana Del Rey. So I can't tell if she's actually depressed or if being depressed is the cool thing to do. Either way, it's troubling.


Me tooooo... they actually have something in common!!

Me tooooo... they actually have something in common!!

I can only hope and pray that she makes up for her terrible death scene in Episode III.

Whyyyyyyyyy is Lady Sif not more important...!! Ugh... she is infinitely cooler than Jane.

Yet her character in Thor is sooooooooo booooooooooooooooring and I want Sif to punch her in the faaaaaaaace.

I never liked this show, but I think I wasn't the right generation. At it's peak I was in high school and rich white women talking about sex seemed both vulgar and irritating. Now it's just irritating.

I never liked this show, but I think I wasn't the right generation. At it's peak I was in high school and rich white women talking about sex seemed both vulgar and irritating. Now it's just irritating.