
Men like this gross me out on a cellular level.

STOP LETTING HIM DRESS YOU. Jesus Christ, he has RUINED you, Kim. You used to be annoying but at least you wore clothes that looked good on you!

Yes yes yes, exactly! In the first episode, the doctor says she could lose some weight. She says something along the lines of, "you never say that to a woman" and "I should slap you really hard". OMG, I would have cried and she just flips that shit around. YES!

Oh my god, I am so with her. Being a non-white non-skinny female as well, I see her and think, "why do I not feel as good about myself as she seems to?" I wish I had her confidence. I wish I didn't feel like I have to diet and straighten my hair to be taken seriously.

But at a certain point, shouldn't a show like that be thought of as a dancing show? And they could be like, "Look! This multitalented dancer also recorded her own musical tracks to dance to!!!"

Oh god this is vomit inducing. How do these people live like this?

Hmm, why is there most criticism of female designs?

Why are those clothes so expensive? They just look floral and/or boring. I don't get it.

No, I agree with you. He was totally entitled and I bought it completely.

This show only solidified my utter distaste for tighty-whities. They do no favors to anyone!

Ugh. Nothing can make this song listenable.

That's good to know. If I had to sit through Lana Del Rey mumble-groan her way through a song I don't know what I'd do.

Christina Agulera AND Lana Del Rey? I really want to see Catching Fire, but uh.. this soundtrack already looks like garbage. Please tell me neither of these songs will actually be IN the movie.

I'm with you. Splenda helped me through some dark times (the first 50lbs I lost) and I just can't see myself going back.

Same here.

I thought everyone already knew this. That doesn't mean they're responsible for you eating sugar, it just means you get the choice between eating real sugar or fake sugar. Making you crave something doesn't make you do something. Taco Bell commercials make me crave shitty food, but that doesn't mean it's their fault

Dear god. Someone get this woman some self respect.

But is it RAPE rape?

My family is from Spain and it's really weird during siesta time, if you're not used to it. Everything is closed. However, you fall into it very easily, and when you go back to the US, it's very sad... D:

So she's basically just really dumb. Gotcha. Nothing to see here.