"Jew bump"? No. My family also has a similar nose and we're Spanish, though we found out that our family was Jewish before the Inquisition... >_> So yeah, it's has nothing to do with being Jewish and everything to do with a genetic trait.
"Jew bump"? No. My family also has a similar nose and we're Spanish, though we found out that our family was Jewish before the Inquisition... >_> So yeah, it's has nothing to do with being Jewish and everything to do with a genetic trait.
Sharon Osborne is just the worst, period.
My man!! I love him so hard!
Get it, gurl!!
Oooooo yes, gurl!! I might actually watch the show if she's in it!!
Pretty is as pretty does? I'd watch it. Alone. On my period.
Exactly this. Know that he did such a terrible thing, and doesn't seem to have any remorse whatsoever, how can anyone look at this guy as a normal person??
The whole case makes me absolutely sick. That people are willing to forgive and forget and work with a dude who literally sodomized a child... ugh. I just can't. If I knew a dude did that I'd want nothing to do with him, yet Hollywood lets this guy have a pass. Ugh. UGH.
It's more like an organized dance/gymnastics routine than leading any kind of cheers, nowadays.
Cheerleading is more about acrobatics and dance than the cheerleading days of yore.. I couldn't do that shit.
Both my mother and my aunt were able to immigrate to the US by working as nannies. My mom worked for a diplomat from Spain and my aunt worked for a congressman from Texas. I owe a lot to the nanny industry because my aunt was able to help bring my dad to the US just because of her connections. All of this being said,…
I think it really depends on how your body reacts to certain foods, environments, ect.. I walk/run/ect. a lot, but if I eat high-carb food I gain fat easily and feel gross. I absolutely love Japanese food (I used to take chado classes) but I'm way healthier on a low-carb high-fat diet.
With my genetic make-up, I'd be so damn fat if I lived in Japan..
Seriously, that trailor gives me the shakes. That and being buried alive are two of the most horrific deaths I can think of.
Well I can't blame him for that, he didn't write it, he has no idea what shit-shows it and "After Earth" are.
As if I needed another reason to hate the Smith children? First I'm subjected to that horrific "Whip My Hair" song, and now Jayden is spilling his stupidity all over the youth who follow him. He probably doesn't understand that the reason so many child stars go nuts past their childhood is because they DON'T go to…
I always loved Rose-of-Sharon, one of the characters in The Grapes of Wrath. They pronounced it "Rosasharn". I'd totally do that to my kid.
All them brown people look the same, derp!