
As a "once-chub", I can relate. Also, fuck the NY Post and fuck that bitch who called her names and fuck this whole pageant bullshit. I don't even watch pageants and they make me rage. Maybe because when I was a "once-chub" kid and teen, I knew I could never ever participate and thus was less worthy than those svelte

I know this feel. I'm a musician in a male dominated world (heavy metal) and the only other women who are successful in this world are 99% super thin and white. I'm neither so it's hard to see myself standing beside them, but we can do it. We can change things if we focus on what's important. For me it's the music,

Poor little pony..!! My five year old self (which is really just me) is freaking out!!

Meh. I don't mind. I wouldn't buy my kid short shorts or let her wear them outside, either. I guess I'm a prude. Don't give me that "she'll rebel!" BS either, because not all kids are the same. Some don't care. I hope I raise my kid in such a way that she wouldn't want to wear clothing like that, anyway.

Long and thin, typically.

My heart hurts.


Look at my username. Do you really think I'd find that weird? ;D

This November, I'll be visiting Detroit for the first time to play a metal show. I'm actually really excited! I love visiting new cities. Thanks for the informative article.

Ahahahaha! <3 Chel has to be the only female character in any movie where I was like, "You mean people like this??"

Ughhhh I loooove everyone in this show EXCEPT the main character, who I find so self-serving and aggravating it makes me want to punch her. I'm pretty sure Red is my fave, tho'.

Ha! Thank you!

That's true. Sharon Osborne is pretty much the worst, to me, so I never have hope for her.

Yeah, it's not that I want frills and ruffles, but I need to have things trimmed at the waist. I'm only 5' tall! I need all the contouring I can get or I'll look like the Penguin!

I am jelly of women who can pull off a suit! Thanks to my butt, if I wear a suit-like anything, it has to be tailored in a feminine way or I just look boxy. Slender women just seem to be able to pull off the look better.

He's just using Catholicism as a vehicle for his specific nutty brand of patriarchy.

I need this suit in my life right now. I would pair it with leopard print shoes, a black purse, and the biggest hair humanly possible.

OMG this...

Gee, thanks for the cold sores!

LOLNO. I'm not in any way black. I am 1/2 Native (Pipil) and 1/2 European, so I got my European nose from one side and my Native American ass on the other. Some Native Americans do, in fact, have big asses (especially Central and South Americans), which is why so many mestizos (Spanish/Native American mixes) like me,