
You mean with humor? I agree!


I feel you so hard! Every time I straighten it I feel like a traitor. It's like we can't win.

Well the idea is, WHY would you want something that is completely different from the way you are naturally shaped? I understand maybe getting in shape and dropping a few pounds, but there's no physical way my ass can be less wide because of my bone structure. I'm not talking about wanting to slim down a bit, I'm

This is such bullshit. I grew up in the most Catholic family possible and my dad's only concern (besides me not getting pregnant as a teenager and thus keeping me on lockdown) was getting me to college.


I wish it were easier to get full-fat Greek yogurt. Chobani and it's competitors only do 2% or 0% fat. Pffft.

I don't think that's directly on their mind, but it's how we've been conditioned. It's not a coincidence that Caucasian features are considered more attractive and thus more marketable, that's the society we live in. So someone getting this surgery isn't necessarily thinking "I want to look whiter", but their decision

This is truth.

I noticed a pretty bold look of horror on her face the entire time.

But then I begin to compare it to the western ideal aesthetic, and I find myself lacking. It is one of my biggest insecurities actually.

I think they can. I'm Latino and my hair is big and curly, but "the man" (AKA a few irritating white people) always say I should straighten it and that shit pisses me off.

This shit makes me so sad. I've always loved what makes people's faces different; big noses, thick eyebrows, ect. I have a big European nose and I wouldn't trade it for anything, but I know I'm a hypocrite because I might never accept my big Hispanic ass. If someone told me they'd sign me a deal if I got lypo, I'd

More fun than anything else I've seen, so far. I'm usually not into fashion shows, but these are clothes that I would actually wear, so I give it four horns up! \m/ >.< \m/

This boy is so adorable. I support his endeavors!

People know this food is bad for them. I mean, it's ok to eat a tiny bit of anything, but it seems like some people just aren't ok with moderation. Nobody's saying you're gonna die if you eat one doughnut every few months, but everyone knows it's not good to eat one every day.

I remember trying to get out of my contract with Golds Gym (I moved) and them telling me it wasn't possible. I had to cancel the credit card before they left me alone. XP

I don't know if it's how these photos were filtered, but she looks absolutely orange to me. I'm gonna go ahead and guess this is from make-up and sunless tanners or SOMETHING..

Married for 4 years, no babies in sight. Damn that degree. Damn it to hell.

I am going to use this video as an example whenever another vocalist bitches about not having a wireless mic.