I doubt anyone noticed. People called me "white girl" anyway. e_e
I doubt anyone noticed. People called me "white girl" anyway. e_e
Ahahahaha! Drunk Diana FTW!
Suitland High School (PG County, MD), the year was 2000, I believe. There were a hand full of white students. I'm not white (Latina), but I can pass for a white person if you get me pale enough, give me a wig, and put me in a denim skirt (apparently).
I once did white face in high school for Black History Month. There weren't any white girls available to play "racist white woman #1" in a stage play, so they got me in pancake make-up. I felt pretty weird about it.
They are so INCREDIBLY HAPPY and it makes my heart tingle a little.
First black people as props, now dwarves. The only logical next step would be a group of break dancing amputees.
At my age (29) I'm married, a home owner, have a steady job, ect. So having a baby wouldn't be the end of the world for me like it would have if I had one ten years ago. I still don't really want one, but if I did get knocked up, I'd roll with it. I think a lot of women using the pull-out method might feel the same…
I had such a huge issue with that bullshit, lemme tell ya.
Wow, DC. Just wow.
Sweetest comment EVAR.
Sorry they're not online, but if you go to artist's alley at Baltimore Bronycon, you'll see several of my friends there with prints, necklaces, charms, and even blankets!
Thank you! By the way, Pinkie Pie is best pony. #trufax
Yeah, it's fun. My friends sell MLP themed crafts.
Unfortunately, the grossest tend to be the loudest. Believe me, they're not the majority. It's kinda like the people who are willing to draw perverted Incredible Hulk comics. They're easily found, but there are way more normal dudes who just wanna see Hulk smash. ...buildings. >_>
I guess I'm super weird, then. What else is new!
I feel kinda bad for Bronies. There are plenty who legitimately just like the cartoon. I like it, too, but since I'm a girl, it's acceptable. But since dudes like a show for little girls, this makes them weird. Come on. Weren't we just celebrating a family that let their son wear tutus? :/ I can understand being…
Well, there ya go.