I'm pretty sure everything is better than Halle Berry's Catwoman.. lol
I'm pretty sure everything is better than Halle Berry's Catwoman.. lol
Yeah, plus his origin story is basically akin to Batman.
Ugh. Elektra was such a ridiculously terrible movie I can't even fathom how they thought it would work in their favor.
There are so few female ethnic minority heroes, but Storm is probably the most notable one and she'll never leave the X-Men's shadow (for a movie, that is).
This this this.
Sounds like a sociopath. Who would willingly kill an animal like that?
So proud to have women like her in our country.
I've only heard that one a thousand times from every single Cowboys fan in the DC area... lol
That would be ADORABLE.
I prefer the spear logo we have, myself. I wish we could actually just name the team after a local tribe. COME ON! The Powhattans would be an awesome team name!
I KNOW!! I don't know what to do!!
You know what, I am ABSOLUTELY FINE about a man who finds his sperm so prized that he doesn't feel the need to give it away. We have way too many men who don't. I've always felt the same way about my vagina, and why shouldn't I? My vagina is MY vagina and it's magnificent. I'm not just gonna let any dude get his meaty…
As a Native American who is also a Redskins fan, I feel pretty sick with myself. But my dad LOOKS LIKE THE MASCOT. And he's a huuuuuge fan. Sometimes I feel like the most self-loathing brown person ever.
I've started calling Russia "Can't Get Right".
I can't wait to see this. The premise is great and Alfonso Cuaron's work is typically pretty phenomenal.
Bagels taste good with anything. Cream cheese. Butter. Peanut butter. I don't $%&*ing care, I equate my feelings for bagels to the feelings crack addicts have for crack. I'd suck $%&* for a bagel.
The only pop musician that I enjoy and respect.
Who's surprised? Anyone? Anyone?
I totally agree. There's something kinda hot about all the repression.. mine is actually raised protestant but we got married Catholic. He's also Irish, making him basically my dream-man. lol