
In her defense, I considered the local all-boys Catholic school a meat-market for meeting dudes.

On the one hand, I wish he could have actually suffered. On the other hand, wishing for someone's suffering feels wrong. On the third hand, now we won't need to spend tax dollars on feeding and clothing him. On the forth hand... so many hands!! And I still don't know how to feel.

Way more interested in Jack Osbourne and Bill Engvall than someone from High School Musical.. ugh.

Oh sure, a guy has 6,000 Barbie dolls and he's got a hobby.. I've got action figures all over my house and I'm a weirdo!

I'm surprised people ever did.

You sure do know us well! We love all good looking musicians no matter what! DERP DERP

What a great guy this Robin Thicke is. No wonder all the ladies love him, AMIRITE FELLAS?

Uh, I can give you a million examples of jobs that require no skills and still pays enough to live a healthy productive life. Investing in a degree doesn't automatically give you a job. It gives you better training for the job you want maybe, but a guy majoring in philosophy isn't any better than a dude who's really

Standing on your feet all day to cook and serve food isn't a real job, you say? Please, tell us more about how college graduates are more deserving of the chance to live healthy and productive lives.

I wish them the best of luck. They work just as hard (if not WAY HARDER) than people who get paid ten times as much. I'm almost ashamed of how much money I make when I don't have to stand on my feet all day in a hot kitchen frying McNuggets. Those people deserve medals for putting up with fast food BS.

That's for writing this. I've had an ED for as long as I can remember and it's either rooted back to depression or just not having willpower. I personally bounce between binging and restricting. I'm only ever "stable" when I force myself to be on a restrictive diet, but carbs (which I love) actually give me anxiety.

You may be right. I don't remember my parents calling me "non-gender-conforming". I played sports and read comic books. My childhood bedroom looks like it belongs to a 15 year old guy. lol

This is very sweet. Honestly when I was a kid, my parents just gave me the toys I wanted. I had Barbies and Transformers, legos, He-Man, GI Joe, all that stuff that isn't "for girls" and it was never a big deal. Kids like to play with toys and having some be "boy toys" and some be "girl toys" is stupid. My happiest

Not feminine — feminist.
What does that mean, you're a lesbian or something?

Th... my... wh... how...

God this was magnificent.

As a musician, I concur.

Thanks for putting more value into penis size than the animals you claim to be in support of, you stupid misogynist ignorant fucks.

I totally agree with you. I have a friend who studied philosophy. I asked, "What did you intend on doing with that major?" and he had no answer. Sometimes it baffles me how people don't plan on what they intend on doing AFTER college.