Having studied philosophy, I can attest to this woman problem. Very few lady philosophers are studied. That being said, philosophy bores the %&$* out of me so I wouldn't want to do it, either.
Having studied philosophy, I can attest to this woman problem. Very few lady philosophers are studied. That being said, philosophy bores the %&$* out of me so I wouldn't want to do it, either.
I'm gonna go ahead and make the argument that not everyone needs makeup to be pretty. I'm not perfect. Nobody is! But I go without makeup on a regular basis and while yes, I get make-up based compliments, I also get compliments when I go without. The make-up based compliments are more about the colors I use, the…
If I had Kim Kardashian's body, I'd wanna be naked all the time too. (And yes I know how heavily Photoshopped she usually is, I still think she's pretty amazing looking.)
Make the same career moves as Marelyn? >_> Uh...
I'm confused, but really, can't you buy just about anything on Craigslist?
One out of one thousand in our population isn't that rare. I doubt there's anyone I know who doesn't know or isn't related to someone with Downs. In comparison, everyone seems to have "that skinny friend". It's not really that rare.
One in two thousand doesn't seem that rare to me considering how many people in this country are obese compared to all the skinny people who eat whatever they want.
Add a twist of lime. ;)
Gaston is truly the greatest queen Disney has to offer.
What about this study?
Yep! I drink vodka, it has no carbs and I drink it with soda water, which has no calories. There's also low carb beer, but it's meh. If I'm gonna binge on beer, I'll have one really good one. That's another thing this diet has taught me; how to appreciate things in moderation.
Carbs are my crack and I want them bad, but having gone off them for so long, now I know how gross they make me feel. I wouldn't push this way of eating on anyone who wasn't willing. It's hard, but to me, it's worth it.
Didn't you just say 'nah, people who claim they just have such a naturally fast resting metabolism and "skinny genes" are full of shit.' ? Now you say men have faster metabolisms than women. I'm willing the bet the Duchess is a woman, but there's more to people's body differences than just man/woman.
Yeah, I typically eat 1200 calories a day and it doesn't really do shit for me. I have to eat low carb in order for my weight to change, regardless of calorie deficit.
No, he's a dude and I know his eating habits. On the road we all ate the same food and did the same exercise and I wound up gaining around 10lbs whereas they all stayed the same. When it comes to science there's evidence that people metabolize at different levels and we all digest different food differently. One of my…
Why is she not in more movies?? I love her in everything I've ever seen her in!
I don't know, I've never had a great metabolism myself. It took strict dieting just to get me down to a healthy weight. I have a lot of anecdotal evidence of that whole "everyone is different" thing, but what it all boils down to is that if my bass player can eat pizza, pasties and cake and be thin as a rail whereas I…
Look. I know that everyone is different, some people gain weight easy and some people don't, and there's no reason to be mad at Kate Middleton because she was just born with her figure, BUT GADDAMN IT QUIT HOGGING ALL THE SKINNY GENES. x_x I've never even been pregnant and I can't imagine carrying a spawn in my belly…
How does this show exist?