I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.
They're so amazingly well behaved.. and alpaca fur is AMAZING.
Miley is a privileged white girl trying to pretend that she knows what ghetto is. That would scare off anyone.
I wear heels for special occasions only. Daily wear? Screw THAT noise.. I've seen too many ladies with bunions to think that looks like a good time.
I for one am proud of Mei Xiang. She is her own woman and a proud DC resident. Go gurl.
I love the Arizona weather and landscape. Why must so many of it's people make me happier to live in a place where it snows?
Joey is the only one I cared about because he was in My Big Fat Greek Wedding.. and that's kinda where my interest ended.
I feel the same way. I'm a mixed race person who married a white dude. I know my kids will be white and not at all like my dad, who's Native, and this makes me sad a little because there are so few Natives left (especially Pipil). Clearly it's stupid to date or marry based on race, but I do feel a little guilty, which…
Willow's outfit is atrocious. I don't know what she thinks she's doing, but there's nothing flattering about that look on any spectrum.
I don't know about the slut shaming. I don't think anyone's judging her on her actual sexual choices (if we even know what they are). It's more that rubbing your crotch on stage at a place that isn't a strip club is just fucking trashy, no matter who does it.
Yeah... the more I think about it, the more offended I am. She's using black people like accessories to her fashion and it's irritating to say the least.
Double Post
Jesus Christ she sounds terrible. I hate the world.
BRB, fapping.
I love banjos. I love Kermit. I love Steve Martin. This wins on three different levels.
I gag when I hear the word "swag", too.
Makes sense. I only started feeling more comfortable with myself once I hit my late 20's. By the time I'm 34 I'll probably be like, fuckit, I wanna cupcake.