
I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.

They're so amazingly well behaved.. and alpaca fur is AMAZING.

Miley is a privileged white girl trying to pretend that she knows what ghetto is. That would scare off anyone.

Drop her, Liam. You look like Thor. You deserve no less than the mighty Sif.

I wear heels for special occasions only. Daily wear? Screw THAT noise.. I've seen too many ladies with bunions to think that looks like a good time.

I for one am proud of Mei Xiang. She is her own woman and a proud DC resident. Go gurl.

I love the Arizona weather and landscape. Why must so many of it's people make me happier to live in a place where it snows?

Joey is the only one I cared about because he was in My Big Fat Greek Wedding.. and that's kinda where my interest ended.

I feel the same way. I'm a mixed race person who married a white dude. I know my kids will be white and not at all like my dad, who's Native, and this makes me sad a little because there are so few Natives left (especially Pipil). Clearly it's stupid to date or marry based on race, but I do feel a little guilty, which

Willow's outfit is atrocious. I don't know what she thinks she's doing, but there's nothing flattering about that look on any spectrum.

I don't know about the slut shaming. I don't think anyone's judging her on her actual sexual choices (if we even know what they are). It's more that rubbing your crotch on stage at a place that isn't a strip club is just fucking trashy, no matter who does it.

Yeah... the more I think about it, the more offended I am. She's using black people like accessories to her fashion and it's irritating to say the least.

Double Post

Miley's performance is equal to men's performances from the 80's. HELLO. Nobody complained when Nigel Tuffnel shook HIS booty on stage! See, she's like Spinal Tap, except, absolutely unaware. Also, her music sucks real bad.

Jesus Christ she sounds terrible. I hate the world.

BRB, fapping.

I love banjos. I love Kermit. I love Steve Martin. This wins on three different levels.

I gag when I hear the word "swag", too.

Makes sense. I only started feeling more comfortable with myself once I hit my late 20's. By the time I'm 34 I'll probably be like, fuckit, I wanna cupcake.

Nothing involving Fifty Shades of Grey is "hot". Jezebel...