Is she? She seems very nice and is a talented comedy actress. I love her.
Is she? She seems very nice and is a talented comedy actress. I love her.
We need someone besides Nikki Minaj and Kim Kardashian to speak for us. Is Sofia Vergara's line any good? Isn't that at K-Mart, too?
Mermaid cuts are the shit.
As a person with a small waist and huge ass, I appreciate these clothes.. but man do I hate Nikki Minaj's music and don't want to give her or her name any money. It's a conundrum. Do I buy clothes that look like they'd totally accentuate and compliment my figure or not? That being said, they're at K-Mart, and I don't…
Why the hell not?
Yep, same here!
I'm so jelly of women who can pull off a pant suit. I've got ultra wide-hips so pant suits look freaking awful on me. :/
It's been 4 years since I got married and I still miss dress shopping. Next time I get married, I'll savor the experience.
PLEASE let this be the end of Piper, too. She's so gaddamn boring compared to everyone else.
It's hard not to be smug now that it seems like everyone else is discovering how boring Lady Gaga is, but damn it I'm glad I'm not the only person rolling my eyes anymore.
Gaddamn it.
That makes me SO RIDICULOUSLY HAPPY. My husband saw the trailer and dismissed it as another Twilight. I'm glad he was wrong.
I find her to be the most boring part of the show. I'm always wanting more of Red, Taystee, Crazy Eyes and Diya.
Go Mama June. Go girl.
Believing that the only relevant thinkers are the ones who agree to you is one of the first signs of crazy. Come on, lady. Get over yourself.
No, I totally did too. >_>
Boring. Nothing particularly special about her voice or the song or anything, but that's how I feel about all of her music. I don't hate her as a person, but I don't think she's a particularly good musician.
Or maybe she'll just like superheroes.
Are they fake? I wouldn't know. They seem very nicely tear-drop shaped rather than globe shaped, so if they're fake, this is a GREAT boob job!