
Perfect rack. Totally jelly.

I'm just gonna go bang my head against a wall.

Damn right!! I just wanna give her all the high fives!

There ya go!

This is what I've always hated about fashion. It never felt like they wanted ME to wear it. I see skinny white women wearing it and think, "Why would I wear that? It obviously wouldn't look the same on me." Recently I bought a Spider-Man mini dress from Wet Seal (because, duh), tried it on, thought I looked SUPER HOT

Reminds me of Jackie from Roseanne when she was due with her baby. I think it was two weeks? I remember her screaming "I HAVE A TWO WEEK OLD CHILD INSIDE OF ME."

She seems a lot nicer than the tiger moms I knew growing up...

Eh, I'm okay with it. Kinda like how in TV all the teenagers are played by people in their 20's.

He looks super young still, to me. Maybe they're an older R & J? They're supposed to be like, 13 in the play or something. Ew.

I love this with the power of a thousand suns.

I almost just spent a hundred bucks at because of shit like this. I can't find a Wonder Woman t-shirt and NOT buy it. :/

Damn it. Now I want a gin & tonic at 10am..

Whenever I see a celebrity use KickStarter I feel like it kind of diminishes the idea. It used to be for people who weren't already famous and really needed some help. If this lady is Gaga's friend and Jay-Z's friend, I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to do a fundraiser for her institute.. but hey, who knows. It

Very cool! I'm a metal singer and while I'd love to do something like this, I'd feel bad about trying to show someone else how to sing since I'm mostly self-taught. I don't wanna give someone wrong information. Leave that shit to the professionals, says I.

O_O What the hell are these men eating!? I've never had that happen!

That's just silly.

HOLY CRAP. All this for learning some horrific Nikki Minaj lyrics! Good for her!


"...but MAN, have you ever been with a guy with really smelly cum?"

No... @_@
