I hope so, too.
I hope so, too.
She looks fucking stupid. -_-
I agree!!
I never liked Gaga and this solidifies my distaste. Ugh. Go the fuck away.
The last season was kind of all-over-the-place in a bad way. The first season was INCREDIBLE. I'm hoping they stick to one thing, this time. Witches. Well, witches and voodoo. Witches and voodoo are great!
Yeah, I only say Ghost because the normals seem to be okay with them. Which is hilarious since they're a Satanic metal gimmick band.
Interesting. Maybe this is a regional thing? I don't find it gross at all, and I've never had an issue finishing off a dude. That being said, I haven't been with many dudes in that way, so maybe I've just been very lucky?
Eh, I guess? Seems awkward to clean up, unless someone is licking it off.
Why thank you! :3 This is why I'm always like "Metal exists! We're right here!"
Europe is chock full of great bands. Hell, I have a band. lol Check it out if you want!
Where's the fun in that??
I'm telling you, metal has been good for the past 40 years. You just need to find the right bands. I just recently discovered that I have a King Diamond obsession. He has 14 albums!
GOOD LORD. Kathy Bates and Gabourey Sidibe and Angela Bassett and Jessica Lange TOGETHER!? My heart can't take it!!
I know, right?? <3 <3 <3
The Sword is GREAT!!
They're so much fun live. So much heavier!
Yeah! Ladies don't spit!
Ahahaha! I have never had that happen but it seems like a great story.. XD
I... wa... what?