I love Colbert.. I just wish he'd add some metal to Colbchella. Book Ghost! They're relatively popular amongst the normals!
Oh I am TOTALLY judging you and your BJs. /juuuuudge ;)
I don't get how you DON'T swallow. Like, isn't it more gross to spit it out? And don't you have to hold it in your mouth before spitting it out? I don't get it. That would gross me out way more than swallowing.
Plus you'll totally burn calories with the effort.
Women who don't swallow weird me out. I mean, spitting is gross. Just get it over with.
Doesn't it depend on how much fat is accumulated? Morbidly obese people put a lot of stress on their joints, making it painful and difficult to move and function. But that's like, 200+ extra pounds that I'm talking about.
This was such a great idea. Even my husband doesn't like soccer (though my family is Catalan and huge Barca fans...) and he loved this.
I am totally with you. I recently read an article about how westerns don't make money anymore, but that isn't true at all. The problem is that people keep trying to make westerns that will appeal to EVERYONE and that's just not how to go about it. Look how much praise Django got!
But paying customers...!
Okay, makes sense.. still, victimless crime methinks. He's basically just a party planner!
Would it still be illegal if he's not pimping these dudes? I can see an organizer just being a dude trying to bring a bunch of sluts together. I mean, it takes all kinds.. especially for a good gang bang.
We need to get Spain Disney-fied, pronto.
You've never seen it!? My heart...!
I think I was around 12 or 13 when it came out and I remember LOATHING Lindsay Lohan for thinking she could replace my beloved Hayley. The Disney Channel used to show reruns of the original and I watched it every. Single Time. @_@
I -love- Oprah's hair. Big and beautiful!
Well'p, there went my brain. Thanks.
I have never seen this show. It seems too weird, even for me. Like... I don't understand the appeal. Is this the kind of television that normal people watch?