
I'm not saying everyone is lazy. Clearly everyone isn't lazy, but for the most part a lot of people are. I totally get your point though and I'll edit.

You beat me to it.

Now playing

If you'd like to support female musicians, I strongly suggest you go out and check out your local musicians first. Charity starts at home! I'm a female singer in a band and whenever people complain about there being no women, I'm like, HI WE'RE RIGHT HERE. Sometimes people don't know how to go see locals, or they

So she's going psuedo goth. Okay.

Might just be a little camisole under her dress, which is totally normal for little girls.

I totally would have asked for this as a child, since I %$&*ing loved the Smurfs. Damn it.

Eh, a little wedge or a tiny heel is no big deal... it's not like they're trying to rock stilettos.

As someone who got a job after graduation, was laid off 3 times and somehow magically found a decent job I can't tell you how LUCKY I feel. I have so many friends without jobs, it's incredible.

"It's some white people shit."

Quote of the century!

This is magnificent.

Good. A lot of "gluten free" food is still junk food that can make celiac sufferers sick.

I had Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition for the Sega Genesis and I loved it.

I have literally been wearing the same yoga pants I bought at Victorias' Secret (to run in, mind you) for two years. They're faded to shit. Zero fucks, over here.

"...but they just don't have that many of them, and what they do have is crumpled and hidden in the back of the store."

Sounds like every single other store EVER.

If his hygene is THAT bad, having a mutilated dick probably won't be helping much.

I just think it's sad he felt he needed to modify himself to be "normal". But, this is the age of breast implants and diet pills... gaddamn it we are a sad species.

Whenever I hear girls say uncut men look gross I want to slap the shit out of them.


Having been stalked by someone who claimed to have been "in love", all I can say is NO NO NO, OUT OUT OUT, I AM CALLING THE POLICE IF YOU DON'T GO NOW.
