
I made my first rhubarb pie a few years back and my eyes were opened to it's amazingness.

Good lord. Is this part of the other woman's property line? I know with my parents' house, the bit of yard outside of the fence was still theirs. If that's the case, she's stealing and is basically a horrible horrible person.

Lap dance at a concert...!! Yes, she disgusts me.

UGH. Nicki Minaj is a professional disgusting piece of crap. Her lyrics are bad, her music is bad and her "performances" consist mostly of lap dances. UGH UGH UGH.

Yeah, you're absolutely right.. but I dunno, some ladies could use some extra confidence. I don't think she's a role model or anything like that, don't get me wrong. I just kind of owe her for showing me that even big-bootied ladies can be hot and we shouldn't feel bad about our physiques just because they aren't the

Yep. When I saw how wide Kim's hips were I was like "FINALLY"

As a Middle Eastern woman who isn't stick-thin, before Kim Kardashian, there wasn't anyone prominent in pop culture considered 'hot' that looked like me and many of my friends.

I'd make the (teeny tiny) argument that as a girl with a huge butt and thighs, she gave confidence to a lot of big-bootied girls out there by showing people that you can have cellulite and still get treated like a supermodel. I know it's not much but to me that meant a lot and it helped me gain a bit more confidence.

Maybe not a feminist role model, but she was definitely someone who's outfits I looked up to when I discovered my big ass/small waist/tan skin look in my 20's. Her outfits used to be really great; more of a retro fitted vibe than what she does now (THANKS, KANYE) and I was like "wait a sec, her ass is huge too! And

My hatred for this girl grows daily.

Ah yeah! I loved that one, too. People gave it a lot of shit but it had my favorite soundtrack!

Alfonso Cuaron is THE SHIT. I love that man. He did A Little Princess for god's sake!!

That's fantastic. My husband hates makeup so he'd probably just give me some chapstick and say "done".


I liked them until I saw this photo and they just seem like a couple of mean bitches making fun of princess Beatrice and Eugenie :/

Where were his friends and family to tell him that he was being a complete idiot?

That's what I figured. I remember him going on about how he moved to France because he couldn't stand American politics (during the Bush administration) and realized then what a complete tool he was.

As supreme overlord, I would enter her into my selective breeding program and, at an appropriate age, harvest her eggs.

"Johnny Depp is semi-close to quitting acting after the failure of The Lone Ranger."

He's a good actor. He really is. But he helped create that god-awful character, so maybe what he needs to do is quit writing and quit adding creative input and get himself a better agent who will tell him the truth. I'm sure there's

Every shade of lipstick except pale-Jersey-Shore-pink makes me look like a villain. Embrace that shit.