
I know I am.

With our powers combined, we can make this happen! NERD LOVE, DO YOUR JOB!

His little dance is so cute.

Jezebel is ugly. I only like pretty people. —tomorrow's Tweet by Amanda Bynes


No toe, no go.

Same here. Two little boob-indicating-lines isn't exactly indicative of D-Cup implants.

What is going on with her hand?

They're really not even all that busty. They just have boobs.

I think it was meant to be a joke. My buds and I were all making jokes about how they won't need to execute Kate, now that she's given the prince a son. Huzzah!

"you might have more success getting them to drink vitamin water than say water and spinach smoothies."

Which is EXACTLY the problem. Adults have become big babies. "But mommy I don't wanna eat my spinach, I want my candy water!"

Well the problem is that your body metabolizes vitamins from food better than it does in added-to-sugar-water form.

Vitamin Water is ass. Sugar water with "vitamins" added that don't do shit.

This song is still boring. Where's the double bass blast and guitar solo?

I'm really beginning to hate Miley Cyrus. I don't want to. I just wish she'd go away.

I'd e much happier with this if they were using FULL FAT yogurt and less sugar in the fruit blends. Real fruit and full-fat yogurt tastes better, anyway.

This man is so ridiculously hot I'd watch him in anything.

I might suggest adding more metal to your playlist. No, not Metallica because Metallica seems to be every normal person's "go to" metal.. but something more inspiring. For example, Helloween's "Are you Metal", because it's difficult to run to a song like that and not think "You're damn right I'm metal!!" and want to