Good lord...
Good lord...
What bothers me is that she said this like it was some kind of compliment. Like being Italian is way better than being El Salvadorian. She was drunk.
I get this question all. The. Time. They ask "where are you from?" I say, "DC". They ask, "But where are you REALLY from?" or "But where are your PARENTS from?" ect. ect. ect. forever.
I had an aunt-in-law use those exact words. I told her I was El Salvadorian and she was like, "Noooo you don't look like them. You look Italian!" :/
I am so hardcore with you.
The one on the left is okay.. but, and this is purely me judging them based on looks.. eh. They just look like a couple of normal dudes, which is good for modeling I guess. They're not there to be eye sex for us horny women... right? Because if they WERE, I'd like way more meat on those bones and some hair. Like. Some…
I agree with you. I'm from DC and a friend's mother was killed in the Pentagon. My dad saw the plane go down. Bin Ladin's face was pretty horrific to me and others around here for a long time.
...meaning I can't get up-in-arms or angry with something that happened when I wasn't alive. I wasn't there, then. I'm here now.
And that's really cool, I'm just not cool with the cover. Just my personal opinion.
"If I had a family member taken away from me by someone, the last thing I would want to see is a sexy picture of them on the cover of Rolling Stone."
Yup. This.
What I don't like about the Rolling Stone cover is the fact that typically, Rolling Stone is a magazine about musicians and entertainers. Of course they've done other kinds of stories in the past, they had Richard Nixon and Charles Manson on their covers in the past.. but I wasn't alive when that happened. I think the…
Dear Jezebel:
Please stop bitching over every little thing. I can understand not liking something, but we don't need articles about how much you hate cupcakes. Holy shit. They're vibrators.
I'm not exactly sure, but I don't think it's real crab. Probably it's some combination of krab and cream cheese.. but MAN is it GOOD.
OH MY GOD FONG'S PIZZA!! That place is SO GOOD!! I played a gig across the street and the guys we played with took us to Fong's where we had Crab Rangoon Pizza, Kung Pao Pizza and cocktails. It was MAGICAL. Des Moins is SO LUCKY to have that place!!
"That's that important?"
Yes, you self indulgent fuck. Showing up on time is important. Normal people in the real world are punished for being late to their jobs. Some are fired. I only wish we could fire celebrities.
I'm hella shallow and I like money. If I were there, I'd totally be down. I love gooooooooooooooold!
I loved it so hard.. scraggly long hair on a skinny pale man.. mmmmm!
Pfft. I loved his wig. Long hair forever! #metal4life
All I get from this is the same thing I get from Lady Gaga: