
Allan Heinberg is apparently executive producer on the CW series they're trying to make about Wonder Woman called Amazon.

The worst part is when they've been in your gym bad all day, and by the time you get home, they're still damp.........

I agree! I was just reading about Allan Heinberg, an openly gay writer who relaunched WW after the Infinite Crisis series. He's a great writer.

No no, they did, but she was a submissive. In this case "slave" isn't meant as an insult, that's just how some submissive refer to themselves. She and his wife lived with each other long after he died.

Wonder Woman's creator was way into S&M, hence all the tying up she was into. He had a wife and a live-in "slave" girlfriend that they shared. It's a pretty wacky history. LONG LIVE WW!

Who cares indeed.

The kinda with a vagina.

Disney makes everything so much prettier.

Girl gamer, here. Hope she can fix the clusterfuck that the new X-Box became.

So shiny... they all look like they're wearing full body sheer pantyhose. o_o

"So long story short, I have no problem with writing an established character as gay, but I don't think Spiderman is the best candidate."

I can get on board with this, yeah.

Yeah, that's exactly how I feel. I feel bad for them just because I doubt many women are available to even try to talk to.

"Leftover men who can't find wives because all the women are too busy not giving a fuck."

I wouldn't be surprised if that was a huge problem over there. Imagine being surrounded by a bunch of dudes and maybe having the chance to date one or two ladies and they weren't interested. Must suck.

There are already gay superheroes. Northstar is a good example. So how about instead of throwing Spider-Man at us, AGAIN, we learn about another hero? Someone with an established background who's been gay for many years and who already has a huge following? You know who'd look perfect as Northstar? Zachary Quinto. If

Peter's relationships with Mary Jane and Gwen are pretty essential to how his character evolved, but that's Peter. Spider, death of a father figure, no parents? That can be applied to anyone. It doesn't need to be THE SAME GUY we've seen over and over and over again. Why not give it to someone else? Why not be more

So in summary, LGBT people are normal. We're everywhere. We could be anyone. We could be Peter Parker.

Jaime is my JAM! I love that boy. So sad when his title was cancelled.

It depends on the nerd. Think, who was complaining the most about Miles Morales? Nerds? Or Rush Limbaugh? People who only know Spider-Man from the movies? It wasn't the nerds (for the most part), because we knew better.

Yeah, that's true.. and I would LOVE a Miles Morales movie. Give me a Latino/Black main character superhero, PLEASE.

Pretty much, yeah. If you want a baby without any surprises, adopt. And then you'll just be surprised later when they develop a personality.