Uh, Guy Gardner? Jon Stewart? Kyle Rayner? All of them are new Green Lanterns.
Uh, Guy Gardner? Jon Stewart? Kyle Rayner? All of them are new Green Lanterns.
That makes sense!! I'm always envious of the red lips Dita VonTeese does, but because she has very tiny thin lips, red lips are cute. On me, I've got huge Latino lips and I suddenly look like an evil Disney villain because they're so BIG AND RED. So I gotta be careful with the colors.
Yeah, the Alan Scott thing was silly. Make a new Green Lantern. Why not? There are so many! And yeah, Peter's young but I still feel that it waters down the character. When you have so many variations (on big plot points, not little things), there's no solid feel for the character anymore. And with a brand new…
Revamping has been done to death, and in alternate timelines. And you know what it does? It waters down the character. There's no equality when you've got "gay Peter Parker" and "regular Peter Parker". If you want a gay Spider-Man, create a new guy so that he's his own man and not just the shadow of an already…
Because Peter is an established character. It's not just him, it's all of them. Let me give you an example; Supergirl. When they first made her, she was just a girl Superman. That's it. I don't think that it's good to have "regular Peter Parker" and "gay Peter Parker". What I do think is good is to have a different…
Also, if you don't get preggo before 35, your kid will get Downs Syndrome. And if you get preggo during the full moon and you haven't shaved your legs, it will be born a werewolf and tear itself from your womb.
I'd love to, but as a brown person, I'm kinda scared of those shades on me. Maybe I'll give them a try if they have samples.
Except when the change is terrible, like turning Jubilee into a vampire and making Wolverine practically immortal. Evolution is great (in terms of character development, changing the way someone feels because they had an experience), but creating new characters that embody new ideas is way more creative than just…
How about we explore a new character, then? Wouldn't that be better than re-hashing the same dude, but a gay version? That seems less creative to me.
That's exactly what I meant. There can be other Spider-Men.
I'd watch it!
On behalf of nerds everywhere:
Andrew, we appreciate your enthusiasm. But no. Just play the Spider-Man we all know and love. If you want to create an original character who breaks boundaries, please do! The superhero world is vast and we welcome new characters with open arms!
Science is awesome.
I don't like the show period, so yeah.
Um.... okay.
Tina is MY GURL.
I love it because Stan tends to learn a lesson in every episode. He's got redeeming qualities. Peter is just horrible for the sake of being horrible and it gets very old.
Agreed!! Francine is kind of my hero.