You should find his interview with Tim Ferriss; it’s such a great listen.
You should find his interview with Tim Ferriss; it’s such a great listen.
I’m 8 months pregnant. With a 1st grader in school this very moment. I did the same thing. So heartbreaking.
“I was the Curiosity landing on Mars. I was the Chilean 33. I was Jacques Cousteau in the Mariana Trench.”
Dat Tim Duncan, doe.
UGH. One of my favorites! Everything I’ve ever wanted to say to that one guy that broke my heart. #aniforprez
I’m very lucky to have found someone who understands that I need space when we watch a triggering episode on TV, or I encounter someone that even vaguely looks like my attacker. Every one of our experiences is different, but I have to keep trusting that, just because someone attacked, violated, and rendered me just a…
And the giant white buttons draw your eye down to the widest part of her midsection; I mean, a perfectly tailored jacket with those buttons right at her waist? Would have been sublime.
Mine will be 4 in July... All hail energy-draining dance breaks!
That, and her hair is sprayed within an inch of its life there. So not sexy, darlin.
His PR person have a nice new whip in their driveway by now.
She looks fab! That color looks wonderful on her skin tone, and it's a super flattering shape for her body. I agree about the hair; not being able to tell where her hair ends and the dress begins takes away from the lovely structure of the shoulders. Something like a sleek side updo would have pushed this look into…
Have you ever read any of the filth he puts out on his blog? Someone posted this to my Facebook feed the other day and I pretty much had a Hulk-Smash moment at my desk. Save some of those middle fingers, love. You're gonna need them.
I went to culinary school where the chef who developed the breadstick recipe taught (not sure if he still teaches there), and after he sold the formula to Olive Garden, he would walk around campus with his nose so high in the air and an attitude so terribly obnoxious that it turned me off of the place forever.…
A friend of mine and I are that way, but reversed. If we ever go shopping at the mall with my kiddo together, I'll jump right on, kid in my arms, while my friend stands at the top, reaching out with just the tip of her toe to see if this- nope. I'll get the next one. Nope. Just wait for me at the bottom, I'll be right…
That's a great way to look at it! Nerves are par for the course in your situation (LDR relationship with a US Army soldier, so I feel your pain), but as long as you keep your sense of humor and your feelings at the forefront of your mind, I think the trip should be a splendid way to- er- meet. It might be awkward for…
Jeez, Goop. Were you too busy writing the blurb for your next 'exclusive' feature on your website that you forgot you were attending an event? Do something with your hair, throw on a rosy lip balm.. SOMETHING. We all know you can do understated and beautiful, and what you're doing here… It's not working.