Nina Swan

How to reuse packing peanuts:

Instead of reading religious stories for Christmas, you can read books that explain the history of these holidays, such as “,” by Carolyn McVickar Edwards, by Wendy Pfeffer, or “” which explains some of the history of certain religious traditions.

Me is going on vacation.

This show has ended like 4 times.  Call me when they’ve been off the air for 3+ years and I’ll believe you.

I think it’s hilarious that someone who was a state AG is getting this much shit when the race is coming down to two old farts who both voted for a crime bill that put orders of magnitude more black men behind bars than Klobuchar ever did. 

Drag queen Kitty Demure had some input, if you’re interested in hearing arguments from both sides:

Fucking A.

That you have self-control?

But if I don’t see it opening night, what will my friends think of me?

I am not a fan of Fandango, they charge extra fees to use any card, including giftcards.

The expression TERF just reeks so hard of male privilege, and indicates to me that you really are a guy pretending to be a girl.

Except based on this there are no “women’s shelters”. There are male shelters and female shelters. If one is called “women’s shelter” it is a miscategorization because, to many, woman/female and man/male are synonymous.

Innocent little girls shouldn’t have to deal with being exposed to a penis in the often communal bathrooms in a shelter.  A trans person’s right to identify ends where little girls’ rights not deal with that shit begins.

Who is killing black trans women? Men are killing trans women. Those same men are killing women because of our sex. Yet, you all are targeting women. Have you read the comments in this post? Ask yourself why people are targeting “Terfs” with gun threats and not the actual murderers.

TERF this TERF that TERF everywhere. Is that all you’ve got? Obviously blogdiz was not birthed out of your ass so you don’t get to bully them or anyone else with an opposing view into silence. It’s cool if y’all don’t agree but I’m quite sure if blogdiz called you a lgbt slur you’d be big mad. Everyone has a right to

3rd wave feminism has devolved into shilling for white cock whilst woke men cheer on with misogynistic slurs which is totes cool cuz terf

I agree with you, sis. Jezebel and its commentors have long demonstrated that they do not give a damn about women, especially poor women. I’m also a black women that is SICK of trans rights activist comparing black women to trans women (the “if black women are women, trans women are women” bullshit that always comes

  1. Third spaces are 1/2 a century away because trans lobbyists don’t want them. they prefer to bully and bore thier way into women spaces instead. Its about validation not safety. The multi million $ trans lobby with billionaires like the Pritzker family behind it could easily provide those spaces if they wanted. The Gen

Did you bother to click on the abcnews story or the voices of those women don’t count on the ‘woke ‘ scale ? People are free to live and express themselves however, I am all for it and will defend thier right to do so without harassment and abuse.

Transwomen need protection from violence as do gay men or anyon else that needs it.