Nina Swan

Give us an Arya the Explorer series or shut it all down.

I’m with Emilia; Daenerys wasn’t Mad, she was a war hero suffering severe PTSD and grief at the deaths of her best friends and two of her three children in the span of a few weeks/months. Anyone would snap eventually in the face of that much trauma.



Reached peak trans yet?

That’s a completely myopic view on things. I’m sure it sounds good in the crowd you run with, but in reality that’s not the case. 

I actually used to make that very same point. Since then I’ve gotten a new perspective from some former military friends who were deployed around the time the leaks came out.

I still haven’t really made up my mind on who is best for the primary. Though I have some thoughts on this part of the article.

Criticizing Chelsea Manning for leaking confidential document does not in and of itself have anything, whatsoever, to do with her being transgender, and implying that Buttigieg’s doing so has something to do with his LGBTQ view is ridiculous.

Were I you, I would suggest looking into a polyamorous relationship, rather than just an open one. This would let you find a new romantic relationship, without necessarily leaving your wife and bringing on the hardships that would result from that.

Oh boy, he went there.

The main irony here is that if TGI had just joined the right cult, he could have multiple wives and his problems would be solved!

Imagine an article about someone working in a garment factory in the USA talking about what wonderful, well paid fulfilling work it is. How things like building safety, child exploitation, bullying and violence at work don’t bother them. That evil feminists are judging her for choosing to work in the garment industry,

I wish people would discuss this further instead of just immediately shouting that someone isn’t a real feminist if they so much as question sex work. It’s a complicated issue. Just because someone has the freedom to choose sex work doesn’t mean it’s not a problematic area worthy of further examination instead of

Yes, thank you. I tried to make this point, but less eloquently. I just can’t separate this rare seemingly willing *(who knows?) affluent white woman engaging in prostitution from the global exploitation of girls, women, and young boys. I don’t think prostitution is fun and edgy when it means thousands of children

Ms. Holloway seems like an interesting and well-spoken person but it’s silly to present her as a “typical sex worker.”

Once again jezebel, third-wave rag, writes about sex worker by featuring white, well-paid, women. A woman who would have other economic options. Never the women in brothels who are billed for every tampon they use and leave more broken and (literally) broke than when they entered. Or the numerous places where sex work

Or we can work toward a more enlightened society they doesn’t judge people based on what they wear (clothing, makeup), or what they do and what they like. Also change our language to stop using gender defined language.

To those who feel sorry for Stan Lee shouldn’t. This has been a long time coming for the Comic industry’s biggest fraud and one of its biggest assholes.