Nina Swan

This news doesn’t invalidate your thesis—he’s one of apparently many “good guys” on paper who turn out to be misogynist assholes in real life. How does one account for this double existence?

That’s kind of a high failure rate for LW #1. He dismisses it as just normal for him, and maybe that’s true, but has he ever gotten it checked out? Non-ejaculation can have a serious medical cause, even if it’s not medication-related.

Holy crap. Who left the door of the RedPill subreddit cage unlocked?

Black Panther goes into that category of movie that I will go back and see multiple times while it’s still in the theatres. (It’s not genre-dependent—I’m still watching Amadeus thirty years later.)

I have to say, my mother-in-law drives me nuts, but she’s never interfered in our marriage in any way. My husband loves her (she drives him nuts sometimes, too) and respects her, and I’m pretty sure that’s partly why he’s such a good husband.

I don’t think Sally Field has anything to be embarrassed about.

They claim to be just good friends. Make of that what you will. Are either of them married?

Inexplicably, no.


No, they just find themselves deluded into supporting authoritarian regimes that do and that all too frequently turn out to be anti-Semitic, racist, misogynist, and cultish. But given all that, communists are not inherently white supremacist, and their ideology is not founded on hatred. That’s the important

Yeah, I should have enclosed that phrase in ironic quotes. If he was any sort of victim, he was a victim of his own stupidity, and now she’s paying for that.

So, my husband and I kayak, and I really do think she was steamrolled. Honestly, neither of them had any business being out in a couple of playboats on the Hudson at night after having downed multiple beers. He should have been wearing a wetsuit and a PFD, and he was wearing neither. The kayaks they had were for

I kinda yawned through Wonder Woman, but I think I’m going to like this movie.

Angry badger? Try a bunch of hammerhead sharks all bumping around in there in a blind feeding frenzy . . .

Good article, though I doubt there are any members of the cult of Bulgarus left to be offended by “bugger.”

As a Christian, I am so fucking sick of “thoughts and prayers.” The traditional Ash Wednesday Gospel reading in the Episcopal church is the passage in Matthew about praying and fasting in secret. I’ll say here that I do pray privately for victims of mass shootings and that we often read the names out during the

It may have something to do with managing expectations. The idea of a “fairy tale wedding” has always made me gag, because even though I was only 21, I knew that three days after our basic, low-key wedding (put on mostly to make our parents happy), I’d be living in a cockroach-infested two-room apartment in grad

My friend doesn’t really focus on what could have been, as far as I can tell. She just kind of accepts what is, and I think that’s healthy. Someone else mentioned boarding school—he was able to go to one out of state, thanks to a generous assistance program in their school district—and he did amazingly well there.

This absolutely would not have happened in an Episcopal-run school.

Wow. I’m not Muslim, but I dress conservatively and would wear some of that stuff too—I’m always looking for long sleeved, long, tunic-y tops with full coverage.