Nina Swan

I don’t know if this is relevant, but there’s a big Vietnamese-American demographic in SE PA because in the 1960s-1970s all the refugees from Southeast Asia were processed there. I had a lot of classmates and fellow church members from Vietnam and Cambodia. Even got invited to a wedding, which was a real treat. (The

Came here for this!

A friend of mine has a son who has autism and mosaic Downs— talk about a triple whammy, poor kid. He’s a sweetie, but he needs constant supervision—he’ll never be capable even of moderate independence. He’s turning 18 in about a year and she needs to find him some kind of placement very soon . . . and there’s almost

No. You’re being thoughtful and self-aware and honest, at which a lot of people fail.

Weepy evil Crockpot show, bla blah blah.

I just want to make clear that she is not, nor has she ever been, a feminist. Lest people on this site start lumping her in with second-wave feminists along with those French collaboratrices.

Of course, that’s what travel insurance is for.

I absolutely agree, which is why I was trying to tread lightly—I don’t feel comfortable speaking about issues with which I don’t have personal experience. I don’t see Asian Americans as sharing white American privilege, and I certainly don’t see Asians, in groups, as racist (let alone monolithic). But the behavior of

It’s likely based on actuarial tables, which, I agree, is totally unfair for single female drivers who have always been conscientious. I’m guessing that a significant number of people who were more reckless before marriage probably do become more responsible after marriage, especially if kids are involved (and I’m

Came here to post this, too. It’s definitely as creepy as Stranger Things but in a different way. Also about two or three episodes into The Leftovers, season 2, but I think I have to go back and watch the first season again, because if I don’t pay complete attention I miss small things.

You can’t possibly be this stupid, so you must be a troll.

Google Translate was a lifesaver both for us and some of the people with whom we interacted—if either we or they couldn’t make ourselves understood, we’d just translate in the app and hold it up for the other to read! It’s also really improved as far as character recognition goes, too.

It’s better if you mute it and put on “The Lumberjack Song” as a soundtrack.

I almost missed the little sarcasm tag. Nice!

In addition to any prescription medications, bring whatever OTC drugs work for you for colds, headaches, UTIs, etc. Last year I caught an awful cold in Taipei just before traveling to Tokyo over Lunar New Year. I couldn’t find the equivalent of the cold medicine that usually works for me, and what I bought in the

A “lifehack” for travel by taxi or getting directions in person: I found and saved the Japanese address for nearly all of our scheduled locations.

If it’s not in the greys anymore, it’s not because I responded—I’m perpetually grey and don’t give a damn. However, I’m starting to wonder if it’s some kind of troll masquerading as a straw-SJW.

Uh . . . by your “equation,” white women who have been assaulted by powerful men would be victims of racism. And, quite frankly, it’s NOT that simple. It never is.

The way I see it, we DON’T lose out. Everyone benefits when white women relinquish power to women of color. Their interests are ultimately mine. Whenever I bring this up among other white liberals, however, it always falls on deaf ears.