
Grown up books stay with you for a weekend. Lessons fron chuldren's books stay for a lifetime.Which i guess is an other thing, most adult novels don"t go out of their way to moralize or influence in the first place.

Oh? A Polish Jew did it?

I agree with everything you had to say. This isn't racist, it's real talk. There is a very clear line between the two. Never once did he mention anything that would resemble a bigot. I'm guessing if the blacks who go to his games bought season tickets, this email would never exist. Sounds like this man only cares

This just sounds....weird....but not totally racist. It seems he is mostly blaming the racist white ATL population ("This was just racist garbage"...mentioning that the perception of danger overwhelmed reality of attending a game...racial coding..) and some curious ways to express his feelings (his "balking" and

WE LIKE THE EXACT SAME SMELL. My boyfriend HATES when I sniff his pits, though.

I was just about to post the very same thing! Every time I get a whiff of dude's smell mingled with his (also Old Spice) deodorant, I pretty much have to keep myself from growling as I jump him.

oh my god I totally get this. I think my husband uses the same deodorant.

To everyone saying it is just a joke: That's the point.

"she wouldn't work" = she can't take a rape joke.

Good thing no one asked you.

Did you ask her how she justifies her rudeness and lack of empathy and compassion?

Yeah, I don't wish a gory end for her. I do take comfort in the fact that eventually her mind (and all like it) will utterly cease to exist. Of course that happiness is tempered by the fact that every other mind will eventually be annihilated as well, but I like to focus on the bright side.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: salad is the absolute worst. Its only redeeming quality is that it's a great way to get a whole bunch of different veggies at once (unless you're eating Caesar salad, which is just lettuce drenched in what is, admittedly, the very ambrosia of the gods). Other than that,

You just wrote Sean Hannity's show for tonight. Kudos

He shot himself in the back without a gun! No wait, he shot himself in the chest without a gun, while his hands were cuffed behind his back! But no, he had a third arm we just didn't know what to do with because there are only two cuffs! No wait, he stole an officer's gun and held a white child hostage! Actually, he

That's the exact same as my brother and I. He's competitive about EVERYTHING, but I've only been competitive about speech (we both competed at NFL nationals in high school and I'm currently competing in college and he's coaching a college team). The beauty of speech and debate tournaments is that while you may not

"Do I want a cookie? Are you fucking kidding me? I want you to call the police! But if you got some cookies lying around too, I wouldn't mind a few."

Dresses. I seriously never wear pants in the summer. I refuse to. I just sweat and feel all kinds of miserable. No thanks!

Is she really coming from a good place, though? She implied within the first minute and a half of the video that something unsavory had transpired between the two of them. Regardless of the way she looks or speaks, this reeks of fame-whoring and she should have just left well enough alone.

I did the exact same thing once at The Cheesecake Factory. You should have seen the look on that god damn kid's face when I bought up all the cheesecakes in the place. The resulting Chapter 7 bankruptcy was so worth it